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"Well do you know why you're all in here?!" The principal asked the four teens in his office.

"Clearly not, considering we're all quiet." Jimin response.

"Can't you just shut your mouth, shortie?!" Rosé whispered

"Jimin the next time you speak, I will have you suspended and thrown off the football team!"

"Is that really necessary Principal? We don't even know why we're in here... We were all at practice so we did nothing- "


"It was completely harmless, her car wasn't actually on fire." Jungkook fired back causing Lisa to pinch his arm, signalling him to stop.

"I don't give a damn Jeon, I have a school to run and I will not tolerate this crap! The next time any if you pull a stunt like this again, I will have you expelled. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes sir.. " Rosé timidly answer.

"Loud and clear." Jimin added and both of them ran out the office.

"And what about the two of you?" The principal questioned.

"Yes sir we understand." Lisa politely reply.

"Good seeing you again sir." With that they left the office.

"Those kids are going to give me a heart attack one day. Just a couple more months then their someone's else problem." The principal said.


"Ughh, can't believe that Ms Kim snitch on us." Rosé said feeling frustrated.

"Well what do you expect? For her to let us go after pulling such a stunt?" Jungkook said.

"So what's happening tomorrow? We have hee class." Lisa said.

"Just act like we usually do, just don't stress her Rosé."

"What! It's not my fault. She needs to get a damn life!"

The three of them just chuckled.

"Rosé, if you'll keep talking, I will force you on a date."

"Okay, I'll be good..."

"Anyways we have a show to catch, you we gotta go, bye." With that, the two girls walk away, leaving the two boys together.

"Why are you always pushing Rosé to date you, she's clearly not interested." Jungkook stated.

"That's where you're wrong my friend. Who do you think Rosé is texting when she gets home?"

"I don't know Lisa?"

"No you idiot, me!" Jimin retorted.

"Are you living in a lala land or something dude?" Jungkook just laugh at his friend.

"You're such a pain in the ass man. This is why you don't have a girlfriend."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Oh come on we both know you had a thing for Lisa, why hide it?"

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