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Hey I don't know if some of you had or hadn't read the announcement I made on my account, but if you haven't please do so. This is FOR NOW the last update, but I'LL TRY to finsih it. Thank you for your patience <3



"Artemis what's wrong?!" Athena asked her friend who's out of breath from all the running.

"He's alive Athena!"

"Who's alive?"


"RICHARD?! No, it's not possible... Richard can't be alive!"

"Athena I'm telling you the truth, I brought him here myself..."

"How could this be possible, I saw him die! I saw my husband die in front of my goddamn eyes Artemis! I saw that bastard Zeus murder him, there's no way he can still be alive!" Athena exclaimed.

"Please Athena... That is clearly not the case and something had happened?"

"What aren't you telling me Artemis... I can already sense you're hiding something from me."

"Athena please just listen to me, you need to spend as much time as you can with Richard while you still have a chance..."

"While I still have a chance?! What the hell is going on Artemis?!"

"I think you should follow me, Athena... It'll be much easier if you see it with your own eyes."

"Fine..." Athena said and follow Artemis.


"Why are we here?!" Athena asks when they are in the middle of the forest.

"You'll know why when you see him. Just know I needed to hide him from Olympus and from Zeus." Artemis replied and continue walking.

"Richard... Could it really be?"

They continue walking until they reached a small hut. They then walk towards the one and only room.

"He's over there..."

"RICHARD!" Athena couldn't believe her eyes, he's still alive, her husband is still alive.


"Yes, Athena?"

"He's dying isn't he?"

"Athena I- "

"Please don't lie to me or give me hope...just be honest. I see his wounds...he has been beaten and stabbed multiple times. He's lucky to even be breathing..."

"Athena... I've done everything I could to save his life. But the truth is he's a human... A pure human being. And there's only so much they can bare Athena. But the truth is Richard has aged dramatically and those injuries were meant to kill him-"

"But it didn't... Why not?"

"When I found him he had crossed over into Olympus... From the Titans."

"The Titans?"

"Yes... That means he was sent there to be killed by-"


"Athena listen to me, now is not the time for revenge. You need to be with Richard, he will open his eyes and you need to see that one last time."

"I'm not leaving his side... Not again." Athena mumbled.

"I'll leave you both alone." Artemis said and leave the room.

"Richard... I've missed you so much. I can't believe he did this to you... I swear to god I'm gonna kill that bastard! He took the only person that matter to me... Just because you were human!" Athena was a crying mess.

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