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Ever since Lisa has fallen from her power, everyone was in despair. They were clueless, no one was guiding and leading them. In the midst of grieving, every demi-god was captured by The Titan given that they were powerless and clearly not paying attention to their surrounding at that moment.

"I should have killed you all when I got the chance, but I guess now it'll make your day. Considering Lisa is finally dead and out of my way, Olympus will finally be mine and the demigods will no longer exist! Kill them, Titans!" Irene laughed wickedly, sitting on Zeus' throne as she gives further instruction.

As the Titans approach the demigods that were tied up together in a bunch, powerless, the throne hall suddenly rumbles, a sudden force sending the Titans flying away.

Everyone was shocked, immediately looking towards the source of force.

"I- It can't be?! LISA?!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I'm back for what's rightfully mine Irene, even if I have to kill!" Lisa said, tone firm and intimidating.


"Because I have a job to do and a kingdom to save!" Lisa mumbled something under her breath and she is now standing in front of Irene. 

"And I will not let you get away with destroying my legacy!"

"Your legacy?! Oh baby sister if anything, this kingdom belongs to me, considering I'm the older twin." Irene scoffed, rolling her eyes with a smirk on her face.

"That's why mom brought me back to life right?" It's Lisa's turn to smirk now.

"What?! Why would she do such a thing?!"

"Because Irene, I'm the saviour of Olympus while you're nothing but the destroyer. And I'm not going to disappoint out mother by letting her watch her kingdom burn to the ground!"

"You're such a stupid fool, Lisa. But I'll play your little game of hero vs villain. If it's a war you want, then it's a war you'll get. We will finish this where Mount Olympus and Othrys connect, you have one hour to bring your warriors. May the best sister win." Irene smirks one last time before she disappeared, probably to prepare for the war. 

After Irene left, no one talked. None of the demigods can comprehend what had happened. There are many questions that wanted to be answered but no one speaks, still shock. Lisa was the one that breaks the silence.

"Let's get everyone back home." Lisa said, teleporting everyone back to their dorm.


"How are you still alive?!" Jungkook was the first to talk when everyone is back at the dorm.

"Not to mention powerful as shit! I mean we all saw you dead in Jungkook's arms!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"It's kind of a long story." 

"Well, how about you tell us?" Jungkook asked.

"You do understand we have only one hour to prepare for war, don't you?" Lisa's soft demeanour disappeared and was immediately replaced by a scowl on her face, glaring at Jungkook.

"What are you hiding from me, Lisa?" Jungkook narrow his eyes.

"Guys this isn't the beat time to fight you know? Lisa's right, we only have an hour to prepare for war. We should get as many of our soldiers ready." Jennie chimed in, trying to stop any fight from happening.

"Jennie's right, whatever happened to Lisa isn't something we should talk about right now. We can always talk about it later." Jimin added.

"That's if there's even a later." Sehun said causing everyone to glare at him. "What I'm only saying the truth here!" He tried to defend himself, making everyone roll their eyes.

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