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After treating Jisoo's wound, Jennie stayed to take care of her, while Lisa went to find Rosé to deal with her.

Without waiting for Rosé answer, Lisa barged in her room and walk towards Rosé furiously and slapped her arcoss the cheeks.

"What the hell was that for Lisa?!"

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM HUH PARK CHAEYOUNG?! You can go around beating people up and taking your anger out on others, but when someone else does it to you it's wrong?! Is that how you do shit now Chaeyoung, because if it is then two can play this damn game!"

"Just get out Lisa..."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!" Lisa glared at Rosé.

"Oh now you care about me?!" Rosé exclaimed.


"You were so busy making out with Sehun you forgot about me?! I never knew you were like Jisoo, you like getting what's not yours!"

"Whatever your problem is, you need a reality check! Who I'm with is none of your damn business! But if you're running around hurting our roommates, then that's a whole new level for you Chae! Do you think your mother would be proud knowing her daughter is nothing but a dirty cheater?!"

"SERIOUSLY, I'LL SHOW YOU!" Rosé yelled.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Someone yelled.

"M-Mom..." Rosé was speechless when her mom suddenly appeared infront of her.

"Lisa I need to have a word with my daughter, your mother is in the living room waiting for you." Artemis said.

"Okay thank you. Maybe you can get through to her." Lisa said and left Rosé's room.

"So what are you-"

"I don't want to hear you speak, just stand there and listen! Don't anger me more than I already am! What the hell were you thinking Rosé, hurting an innocent person?!" Artemis cut Rosé off.

"But mom she-"

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TALK, DO AS YOU'RE TOLD AND DON'T YOU DARE DISOBEY ME AGAIN! To lay your hands on another student is against the rules. But to brutally try to kill them is grounds for explusion Rosé, do you even understand what you've done! Of course you don't because you did it regardless without a care in the world! And what was this stupid fight even for, a god damn boy! I've fixed your mistake this one time, but consider yourself on thin ice with me. I couldn't be more disappointed in you, you're my daughter Rosé and I expected you to be on your best behavior."

"Mom I'm sorry... I-i didn't mean to disappoint you. I just didn't know how to control my emotions, I felt so angry and hurt... I couldn't help it, I don't know how to control myself!"

"That's why you're here, to learn! Like I said you're on thin ice with not only me but with Zeus, so you better get yourself together." Artemis warned and walk away, not looking at Rosé.

"I'm sorry..." Rosé burst into tears.


"Can you believe what Rosé did, that's so unlike her!"

"So you're sensing it also?" Athena asked.

"Sensing what?"

"There's something very off with Rosé, I find it odd how she spiraled out of control so quickly."

"What do you think it could be?"

"I have no idea right now, just keep an eye on her alright?" Athena instructed.

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