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"In here baby!" Taeyong replied, eyes not leaving his phone as he was busy typing on the phone.

"What are you doing?" Seulgi asked.

"I'm just making sure everything is ready for tonight."

"Are you sure we should do this, I mean even I think this is a bit overboard..." Seulgi doubted their decision for the first time.

"You're not backing out on me now are you, especially after everything they've done to you?" Taeyong asked causing Seulgi to look down, nothing coming out of her mouth.

"That's what I thought. Seulgi, they need to suffer for everything they put us through, you can't let them get away with it." 

"You're right, they need to be taken down." Seulgi nodded, agreeing with Taeyong.

"That's my girl, now let's do this." 


"Doesn't it look beautiful?" Lisa exclaimed, admiring the house they decorated for Christmas.

"Took us all day but I finally got those damn lights up." Jungkook complained.

Only both Lisa and Jungkook are in charge of the decorations outside the house. The others are inside.

"Excuse me, we got those light up." Lisa emphasized the 'we'.

"Did you have to climb a ladder and walk on an icy roof?" Jungkook questioned.

"No... that was you."

"Exactly, so I put up those lights."

"Okay but I untangled them. And without me, you would actually fell off the roof." 

"Whatever." Jungkook said, giving up on fighting who put on the lights causing Lisa to laughed.

"How about we go inside for some hot chocolate?" Lisa suggested.

"Alright but... last one inside has to make it." Jungkook said and dash off, running towards the house.

"HEY, THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Lisa yelled, running after Jungkook.


Chaeyoung was walking around inside the house when she came across Jisoo and Jimin talking in the dining room.

"So the Christmas Summoning is tonight, are you excited?" Jisoo asked. 

"Yeah I am, it's going to be nice having everyone together." Jimin replied.

"So are you planning on asking anyone to be your date?" 

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that..." 

"Jimin I would love to go with you!" Jisoo exclaimed without waiting for what Jimin was going to say.

"Actually I was going to tell you that I'm taking Chaeyoung with me."

"What?! How are you going to take her when I'm your girlfriend?!" 

"Because I always take Chae with me to parties." Jimin reasoned out.

"Well then maybe Chaeyoung should find her own boyfriend, instead of taking you from me."

"Don't go there Jisoo, Chaeyoung is very close to me and you know that." Jimin warned.

"That's because you won't get over her! Jimin, get the hell over Chaeyoung because I won't hang around for your shit anymore!" 

"You know what Jisoo-" Jimin reached his limit before someone cut in.

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