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"Poseidon what are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here? Athena what the hell are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to see Lisa!"

"Are you out of your god damn mind, she doesn't know you and you'll scare her!"

"You get to see your son whenever you want, why can't I see her just this once?!"

"Jungkook knew me since he was born, but Lisa doesn't even know you exist! Hell she doesn't even know that her family is a lie, you're going to scare her! Is that what you want Athena, to terrify your own child?! Please Athena you can't do this, you may be ready but she sure as hell isn't."

"B-but what about the call... Who's after our kids?"

"You're not going to believe who it is."



"What?! Hades daughter?!"

"The one and only..."

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Athena shouted.

"Is someone out there?!"

"We've gotta go Athena!"

"Hello? I could have sworn I heard someone out here. I'm probably hearing things, I better get some sleep." Lisa said.

"My baby girl is all grown up, and she looks just like me. Athena came out of her hiding spot.



"I'm right here..."

"Do you even know how angry I am right now?!" Zeus asked.

"I'm guessing pretty mad..."

"I told you no contact with your daughter, amd you completely ignored me!"

"I didn't have any contact with her Zeus...I didn't get a chance."

"And why is that?"

"Because I was able to stop her before she could do anything. So there was no harm what so ever." Poseidon said.

"I don't care! She still went to the mortal world, when I forbade her from going there in the first place!"

"Zeus I will not apologize for wanting to see my child!"

"Athena you do not understand, I am the king of gods and I will not tolerate your disobedience, you are not seeing your daughter! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

"But Zeus I-"

"Athena that's enough!" Poseidon said.

"How are you just going to let him get away with this?"

"What you did was wrong, you have to admit that."

"What I did wasn't wrong, I wanted to see my daughter!"

"What you did was careless and stupid!" Zeus cut in.

"I'm out of here."Athena rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Was she able to see her?" Zeus ask his brother.

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