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Consider this as a surprise early update. I still have 3 more papers so yeah... Here you go, enjoy!



"Holy crap, Lisa you scared me! Where are you going this late?" Jennie asked.

"My mom just called me and told me to meet her outside, apparently she needs me for something."

"Oh alright have fun."

"Hey uh do you mind keeping an eye on Chaeyoung while I'm gone?"

"Sure but why?"

"After what happened this morning Chaeyoung is not in the best state. And I don't need her running around doing something reckless." Lisa sighed.

"I see your point... But sure I don't mind. I'm home anyways so she can't get out without passing me."

"Thank you so much Jen, you're a life saver."

"Just doing my job." Jennie chuckled.

"No offense but wasn't it kind of quick how Jimin just asked Jisoo out?"

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know, it might sound crazy but Jimin was acting so weird with Chaeyoung today. And then out of the blue he goes and asks Jisoo out right on front of Chaeyoung too." Jennie explained.

"Now that you mention it, it does seem very strange. Eventhough Chaeyoung and Jimin aren't on good terms, he wouldn't do something to hurt her that badly."

"That's what I mean clearly something is going on with him, and I'm going to find out what it is."

"Alright, let me know if you find anything."

"Of course, now get going before your mom thinks you're missing."

"OMG MOM! BYE JENNIE!" Lisa yelled and dash out the dorm.


"I'm here!" Lisa said panting.

"I can see that sweetheart." Athena chuckled.

"I'm sorry I took so long, I was asking Jennie to keep an eye on Chaeyoung. She's kind of heartbroken right now, it was a rough day."

"Yes I already know that Jimin has asked Aphrodite's daughter out."

"How did you-" Lisa was confused.

"You children don't realize that we know about everything you do. You're our kids and we need to make sure you're all safe. So we're always keeping an eye on all of you, which is why all of Olympus knows about this situation."

"So what are they going to do about it?" Lisa asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Chaeyoung really needs her mom right now, and I think she should be here." Lisa reasoned out.

"Artemis can't just leave whenever she pleases, she has a responsibility to Olympus."

"But Chaeyoung is still her daughter, wouldn't you come if it was me in this situation?"

"Lisa I don't think you understand this yet, we are gods our duties come first even if it means before our children."


"I don't want to hurt your feelings sweetheart, but this is just how it works in Olympus. Zeus allowed you here and we are in debt to him, but we also agreed that our responsibility to Olympus must always come first. I know this wasn't the answer you were looking for, but don't take it the wrong way. We love all of you and that will never change, but we can't ignore our responsibilities and push them aside."

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