Chapter 1: Packaged Deal

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I walked out of my house, shaking my head, as if to dispel the depressing thoughts lingering there. 

Pushing my home situation from my mind, a bright smile dons my features. I can't wait to see Gage.

Oh, who is Gage? Only my soul mate, gosh. Get with the system! Everyone knows that. I have been in love with Gage Richard Zachary since freshman year!

Ever since he fended off those big jerks who were bullying me, I could never take my eyes off of his fine self. Of course, there's more to him than that. During my adventures of following him around for four years, I fell in love with him. I knew it by the time ninth grade ended. I was head over heels, and my obsession with him was quick to evolve.

Excuse me if I keep mentioning my love for him. It bursts out of me at random intervals. Especially whenever I see him. Without fail, I always tell him I love him. He still isn't used to it, which makes me love him even more. If someone gets used to you telling them you love them, it's a problem right? See, he's so sweet. Not to mention the most delectable human being I had ever had the privilege to lay eyes on.

Gage is about six foot one, with dark brown curls and forest green eyes. He has a chiseled jaw, kissable pink lips and the most perfect nose ever. His nose is small, and has the cutest little freckles on it! Every time I look at him it takes massive self restraint to keep from kissing every one of them.

Suddenly someone honks, and I see that the bus is here and the driver Sal is glaring at me again. I give him a sheepish grin and hop inside.

"How many times I gotta tell you boy? I'm gonna leave your skinny tailbone there to daydream till ya drop one of these days." He grunts, and shuts the door with a squeak.

I just smile, sitting in the seat next to him. Sal is a good friend of mine, and I know he would honk a million times and even get out to smack me instead of leaving me there in my thoughts. Sal has been driving me to and from school since seventh grade, and to be honest he's probably the oldest friend I've ever had. Whenever I tell him that he scowls at the double meaning, making me laugh hysterically.

We arrive at the school shortly, and I wave to Sal before exiting the bus. Ah, another beautiful day at Fenway High. That's right.

I live in Boston, Massachusetts baby! I walk inside, grinning and waving at everyone. They wave back, smiling or not. I try to make friends with everyone I meet, no matter who it is. Unlike most situations, I don't get bullied for my sexuality here. I used to, as I said before Gage helped me, but not anymore. Especially as a senior, I don't get bullied. Gay or not, I'm still a senior! Kiss my feet lower life forms!

Chuckling to myself, I open my locker and get my first period books. As soon as I have shut my locker and turn around, my smile stretches ear to ear.

There, across the hall, stands Gage.

He is wearing a long sleeved brown shirt, and black slim fit jeans. Not exactly skinnies, but not regular jeans either. His hair is as adorably curly and smooth looking as ever, and I have the usual impulse to run my fingers through it. Gage is also wearing black dress shoes, which he does now and again. I'll admit it looks really good, even though it's a strange combination with his outfit. He wears them on the days it doesn't rain, so they don't get ruined.

Beaming, I skip right up to him, and just stand there as he chats with his friends. They smile at me, and I smile and wave back. Gages friends are my friends too, and they are also used to me being around. They find the whole situation hilarious, but they also support me seriously. As in, they always try to convince Gage to date me. They are such wise people!

Gage realizes soon that I am there, and faces me, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised.

"Levi." Mmmm, my name coming from his lips in that delicious baritone! I shiver, then smile up at him.

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