Chapter 22: Obsession

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----------This one is more investigatory, which isn't a word at all, to find Levi's dad's killer.  And no you will not find out in this chapter -__- So don't get your hopes up, just enjoy the ride. Comment vote fan whateves :D----------

Needless to say, we went to school the next day. Hey that rhymed! That....was irrelevant. Sorry. Gage and I were walking to lunch together, and had planned to go to the bathroom separatley so could kiss, hug, etc. Why? Because Wiggins has been watching us. 

And by watching, I don't mean casually strolling by and looking at us from the side. I mean, following us around school, making unnecessary announcements to our classes, and he just happens to always be in the same hall that our lockers are in.

Just standing there, like a frickin' creep. By lunch we were annoyed beyond belief, and it had only been a day. See why we can't do this all year? Ugh. 

We sat at our lunch table, across from each other just in case. I made him do it, and now he's annoyed at me too. Great, thanks Wiggins! It's just...I still haven't told Gage that Wiggins roughed me up a little in his office, and now I am a bit more afraid of him than everyone else is.

Quite a bit, seeing as he isn't scared to do what he has to based on his prejudiced beliefs. Speaking of Wiggins, I look over my shoulder to find him hiding in the shadows, eye-raping our table with the creepiest expression ever.

And is it just me, or does he look extra muscular today? It's effing scary. He's just this big figure, looming over all of the students. Ugh, I shiver and turn away from him, suddenly not hungry. 

"Gage! We have to do something about him, it's freaking me out!" I hiss across the table, and Gage squints at where Wiggins is creeping. 

"I know!" He whispers back. "What are we supposed to do though? We can't do anything!" I slump back in my seat with a huff, glaring at the table. This is horrible, I tell you. I horrible.


By the end of the day I was nearly pulling my hair out, so when I ran into Detective Barnes and Detective Jerkface AKA Malotti I was actually very happy. 

"Levi, good to see you again. How are you doing?" Barnes asks, and we get a few weird looks from students around us. 

"I'm doing better, but what are you guys doing here?" She glances at Gage briefly before looking back to me.

"We couldn't interview the staff the other day, so we've come to do it now. It was just lucky we were able to speak to you again." She smiles, and I grin back while Malotti scowls at his feet.

"Let's go Tess, we do have a job to do you know." She rolls her eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah yeah, i'm coming. Say, if you're not busy Levi why don't you hang around? We can take you for lunch afterwards, discuss what your teachers said. The interviews shouldn't take long." Malotto's eyes widen considerably, and I smile in surprise while Gage shifts uncomfortably.

"Sure, why not? See you after?" She nods, pulling a flabbergasted partner along behind her. When they're out of sight I start giggling like an evil genius. Wait...can giggling be evil? Eh, I am making it evil.

"What was all that about Levi?" Gage asks, still looking at where the detectives entered the school.

"Those were the detectives that helped me. Well, the woman did. The guy is a total sour puss." 

"So why are you going to lunch with them?"

"Because! Sour puss is in love with Tess, and I want to mess with him! Not to mention, I do want to know how the interviews with the staff goes. Especially their interview with Wiggins." He nods, adjusting his backpack strap.

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