Chapter 2 : Sticky situations

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When 'The class without Gage', yes I had to name it, ends, I rush to my locker, do what I have to do and hurry over to Gage's locker.

He isn't here yet! What if someone kidnapped him? What if on the way to his locker that new chick dragged him into a closet and raped his innocence?!

What if-"GAH!" Suddenly Gage slams his hand on his locker beside my head, peering down at me.

"Gage! I am so happy to see you because-well i'm always happy to see you, no i'm ELATED to see you but this time i'm especially happy-"

"Get to the point, Levi." He says calmly, looking straight into my eyes. Oh. Oh my. I blink, and stare at him doe eyed, until he snaps his fingers in front of my face. This happens frequently, as you can see.

"Right! Sorry. These girls were talking about us in the hall, and this new girl was so going to hit on you until the other awesome chicks defended our future relationship and said we were a packaged deal! Isn't that great?" I say excitedly, hopping on my toes. His eyes move up and down as he watches me bounce, and he shakes his head. 

"Fantastic. You cost me a potential relationship. Why is that great?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh PUH-lease. That girl was U-G-L-Y. Even if I wasn't waiting for you to admit your feelings to yourself, I wouldn't have let you date her out of sheer embarrassment for you. And anyway, it wasn't me who talked her out of it!" This time he rolls his eyes, but seems to be fighting a smile. 

"Fine. I'm glad you made some new friends. Maybe you will leave me in peace. Now, will you move? I see that you have your books, but I need mine if we're ever to get to third period today." I hop to the side with a smile, and he retrieves his books before turning to face me. I stop hopping in place and look back at him. He keeps staring at me, as if trying to figure something out.

"Gage, third period is that way. Not on my face." He blinks, looking adorably confused. Then he abruptly turns and begins walking toward our class.

Something must be wrong. Not because he walked away, he always does that, but because he stared at me, for like, ten seconds straight. That's twice now he has paid me attention that he usually doesn't. He must be ready to confess his undying love!......Nah. Or maybe!......nope. Ugh!

I go through this with myself all through class, and miss the opportunity to stare at Gage. Now i'm just being reckless! I kick myself in my head all the way to my locker, disappointed. What the heck is up with this day, though? It's just approaching lunch hour and everything is weirding me out already.

Trading my books out, I sigh and look in my locker, filled with stuff about Gage. What a perfect locker! I slam it shut, and walk down the hall happily. Just looking at that stuff about him made me happier. No wonder I put it there! I am such a genius. I stop at Gage's locker and see a blank sticky note, meaning he is already at class.

We came up with this system because there were a few incidents where I would miss half of class waiting for him or panicking thinking he was kidnapped, before going to class in a cold sweat. He face palmed when this happened, and said he would feel responsible for my lack of intelligence if he let this continue to happen. Hence the sticky notes.

When I get to class, the seat beside Gage is open, and  the new girl is walking down the aisle towards it. "Huhgckle!!!" I make some sort of strangled noise, and not exactly inwardly panic.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I slow-mo throw my book across the class to save the seat, but because it is in slow-mo it ends up hitting the girl in the face when she gets there.

She gasps, and holds her nose where the book hit. I slap my hands over my mouth, and everyone turns to look at me. As soon as they see that I am the culprit, raucous laughter ensues.

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