Chapter 30: Starry eyed ~Fin~

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----------WELL it's chapter thirty. That's crazy, longest story i've written so far! >.< Y'all best be happy I uploaded this so soon. <3----------

The police gave us a few minutes before interviewing us on what happened. They said now that they have her they can arrest Wiggins, since she ratted him out in her confession. This made me sigh in relief, nearly collapsing against Gage.

Finally, it's over. Maybe now Gage and I can just be together, without all the danger and drama of crazy people. I sigh as I watch the last of the police go, even Barnes and Malotti who gave a quick goodbye.

It may sound bad, but I hoped it was the last I saw of them. At least as police. I don't want to have to call them for any reason ever again. 

"Let's go home Levi." I smile wearily up at Gage, nodding. We head back to the car, getting in and nearly speeding home. I just want to be with Gage, alone. Enjoying the fact that we're safe, and together, after all that's happened.

When we get back to the house, we head straight to the couch, not bothering with the stairs. I collapse onto him when he sits down, snuggling into his side and awaiting the arrival and Jenny and Zack. We better prepare for a whole night of worried adults and questions. 

"Gage, do you think Carlita is gonna be alright?" I ask, getting my mind off of Jenny. He sighs, sounding tired. 

"I honestly don't know. I feel so bad that her and Emmet got dragged into our mess. They didn't deserve any of that." I nod, looking up at the ceiling. 

"I hope she's okay. If anything happens....I don't think i'll be able to live with the guilt of it." He makes me look at him, his eyes serious. 

"Levi, don't. Don't do that. It isn't your fault she got hurt. If she's okay, she'll tell you that herself. Madeline was crazy, and would have shot anyone in her way." I sniff, leaning my head back against Gage's chest.

"If you say so. I still feel bad." 

"Me too. But i'm not going to let it drag me down. You're safe, you're with me, and that's all that matters right now. You know what? I have an idea." He says, and I look at him curiously. 

"I don't think you should have any ideas. We just almost died." He rolls his eyes, standing up suddenly, holding his hand out to me. 

"Gage? What are you doing?" He just grabs my hand, pulling me up. 

"We are going on our very first date, Levi. No matter what you say. This will be good for us, and i'll have you know I kiss on the first date." He winks, and I smile slightly. Leave it to Gage to cheer me up completely under these circumstances. 

When we get in the car, I ask him where we're going and he grins. 

"There's a hillside I found a while back, it's about an hour away." I blink, not expecting that.

"But Gage, what about your parents? Won't they worry?" He shrugs, looking completely care free, his dark curls across his forehead making his eyes look extra bright right now. Damn, my boyfriend is gorgeous.

"Let them worry for now. We need an escape from all this, even if just for a little while." I lean back in my seat, watching him in slight awe.

No wonder Madeline went crazy for him. Hell, I might have killed for him too. Okay, not that far, but sweet baby Hercules the things I would do for this boy.  

We drive for what seems like five minutes, arriving at a grassy clearing with rolling hills. I get out of the car, gaping at it. 

"What is this place? How did you find a place like this in Boston?" He stuffs his hands in his pockets, leaning against the car.

"I didn't. We're in a little town outside of Boston, it doesn't have a lot of people. This is the only place like this around for miles. I stumbled upon it one day when I was planning on running away. Hey, I was a naive child and thought my life was horrible, like every other teenager." He says.

I grab his hand, pulling him along with me as I inspect every part of the grass beneath my feet, all around me. 

"Thank you for this, Gage. It's beautiful." He smiles, bringing his hands to my face slowly. I put my hands on his chest, and he leans in, looking at me like he was seeing the stars for the first time. I close the distance between us, capturing his lips with mine. 

For sake of sounding like every romance novel out there, I felt fireworks explode, my heart sped, and my lips felt like they were on fire. We pulled apart quickly, breathing hard. It was only a few seconds, but it was by far the best kiss we ever shared. I looked into his eyes, getting lost in them for the millionth time in my life. 

"Levi, I love you. I love you so much, and i'm sorry for all the time I wasted not realizing it." 

"Don't be sorry. Just be happy. I loved you then, and I love you still, I always have, and I always will." I quote cheesily, and something in his eyes stirs, and he presses his lips to mine softly, full of love. I kiss back passionately, letting my love for him show. We pull apart slowly, our eyes never leaving each others.

And they say teenagers can't fall in love for real! I'd like them to say that, and see the look in my eyes as I look at Gage right now. I will never love anyone more than I love Gage, and that's a promise I don't even need to make. 

"I can't believe I even got through all of this, Gage." I whisper.

"We got through all of this, Levi. You know why? Because it takes two. And that's what we'll always be." Our eyes lock once more, and I can think of nothing else but him. As long as I have Gage, there is nothing I won't be able to overcome. 

Why you ask? Well, because it takes two of course!

---------- :'D It's over! WAH, I feel like my child is going off to college. That's weird, never mind. Remember, an author never stops loving feedback, even if the story is over! I love you all passionately! <333 ----------

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