Chapter 14: Green eyes Blue skies

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----------Shout out to XxmorgiexX, for leaving a couple of lovely comments for me <3 And also to InsertNameHerePwease, my new wattpad sista from anotha mista :P----------

When I got home with my dad, I blinked in shock. The place was even more wrecked than before! How is that even possible!? He just goes to his bedroom and shuts the door though, completely ignoring me. Well alrighty then. I shut the door with a sigh, walking slowly to my own room and shutting my door. I thought having a seizure would be a bigger deal than this. Not that I was expecting a freaking seizure at seventeen, but you get me. 

My dad couldn't have caused this though. But what could've? I know it wasn't Gage. Mmmm, Ga-STOP! No lusting, not right now! Ahem. I know it wasn't HIM, because I remember the last time I talked to him, and it was on a happy note.

So what then? Did something happen on my way home from school yesterday? I don't recall anything after the end of school. It's just not there! One moment the bell is ringing, and the next i'm in the hospital due to a seizure. It's like, the fudge bra? It doesn't make sense. 

I sit down carefully on my bed, so I don't disturb the bandages on my ribs and the bruises on my....well every where. I am done fussing over the matter. I probably gave myself a seizure, thinking like this! What am I going to do now? I shouldn't go anywhere with these injuries really. Which means no walking, and that's my only mode of transport. Legs. But if I sit here moping and over-analyzing, I am going to die. Or have a seizure. That's me, stressing to the point of spaz attacks. 

Maybe I could call up Gage. But that might end up awkward. Oh, who gives a damn? I'm calling him and telling him I want to eat his sexy face. Giggling embarrassingly, I pull out my phone and speed dial Gage.

That's right, I got him on speed dial. Who knows when I might need some cheering up? Or if I can't get off. JUST KIDDING, EW THAT'S GROSS! Gosh. Stupid conscience, taking things so seriously. 


"I DON'T GET OFF TO YOUR VOICE I SWEAR!" I blurt out and slap a hand over my mouth, silently gasping. Can you say, ''woops I just said something really embarrassing by accident out loud to the love of my life on the phone?''  

"That's....not my problem? Is that you Levi?" He has amusement in his tone, which is a relief. He doesn't sound grossed out. 

"Er, yeah, heheh. Ignore that last statement, it was nothing of importance to you. So, how's it going hot lips?" I say awkwardly, but smile as he clears his throat, obviously uncomfortable with my clear as the day outside  implication.

"Fine, I guess. How are you? Are feeling okay? It doesn't hurt too bad does it? Cause I can come over and take care of you.".................. Pause. Melt. Reboot. Answer.

"AWWWWW Gage that's so cute of you! You don't know how much I want to-never mind, those are dirty boy words."

"Levi, you are a boy." Gage says in monotone and I think for a second.

"Oh yeah! Well. Dirty words. Dirty. You know, i'm fine, please don't come over. Too much hassle." I make it sound like it's no big deal, but there is no way he can come to my house. I can barely make a path to my room from the front door. Not exactly hosting conditions.

"I still could, you know, i-if you wanted me to." He sounded shy, and I nearly aww'd again. I am REALLY starting to get back to my old self. 

"While that is the most adorable thing I have ever heard, I must refuse." Maybe once I hire the Clean House people. And lock up my dad for a few days. With food of course! And an adult diaper. I start giggling at these thoughts.

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