Chapter 17: Well that escalated quickly

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----------Oh girl *shakes head* you guys are awesome on this story so far. Keep it up, and the more updates will come. The less support, the chapters will be fewer and further between! Yes, I am that naughty >:D---------

Situation of Death.

That is what I am calling my relationship right now, courtesy of Principal Wiggins. I wait and wait for classes to get out, and when they finally do I bolt to Gage's locker. Seconds later my foot is tapping impatiently, and my eyes suddenly widen.

Oh no. What if Wiggins kidnapped him?! It's entirely possible now, don't judge me. It's not another of my crazy escapades. He could be dead! Now the title of this situation is even more fitting! 

I start panicking, and a girl walking by gives me a weird look.

"Are you...alright, Levi?" What?! How does she know who I am?!

"How do you know my name? You're working for him aren't you?! Tell me, where are you keeping him?!" Her weird look increases, and she smacks me in the face.

"Ow! The heck woman?!" I shout, and blink. Whoa, hey, it worked!

"Don't 'the heck' me! You were going all nutty on me! I just fixed you. Gage is walking over here idiot. He walks like a sloth, so get comfortable." Can't argue there. I smile at her, and lean against his locker. Whew, I feel so much better. She rolls her eyes, walking off with a swish of her long black hair. 


"AGH!!" I shriek as someone shouts right in my ear, and I jump to the left. It's Madeline! DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNN. *lightning strikes* 

"Well well well, if it isn't the mad hoe who is jealous of me and my new boyfriend and is holding a really long and dumb grudge when she could be doing useful things with her life." I breath after this, and she quirks an eyebrow.

"That was a long title."

"I know. I'm working on it." She shakes her head, the glare returning.

"Shut up! I didin't come here to chat. I had a plan to get Gage and then he goes and! Of all people." She snorts, and I narrow my eyes.

"Aren't we feeling civil today?" 

"I said shut up! Now, if I can't have Gage, then I am going to kick your ass. He won't date an ugly boy, now will he?" She smirks, and I struggle not to laugh.

"Y-you can't be serious! You, kick my ass? Ha!" I continue to laugh, and she grits her teeth viciously, like you see in the movies. What is with this girl?! I have never seen someone get so jealous over someone they don't even know!

"You won't be laughing when you're on the ground crying for your mommy!" I stop laughing, my smile  slowly turning into a frown. Do I even need to explain?

"Levi?" Gage walks up beside me, and I give him a tight smile.

"You really do walk like a sloth." He grimaces, and I turn back to Madeline.

"Well, it's been fun and all, but I really have to tell Gage something. Tootles." I go to walk away, but easily see her begin to charge me. I turn back and smack my hand to her forehead, preventing her from reaching me the rest of the way. Finaly irritated, I lean forward to whisper in her ear.

"See, what you don't understand is that i'm still me. I'm stronger, taller, and over all more in control of this situation than you could ever be. I'm not some wimpy little hoe who you can push around, got it?" She lurches back and sneers, making her face turn all kinds of ugly before she storms away, flipping me off.

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