Chapter 27: Still the one

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----------Hey guys, sorry I have been MIA lately. Life has been happening up the arse these days, and I honestly didn't have time to update. Secondly I haven't been feeling well lately, so I didn't want to post a sucky chapter. I'll post a good one or not at all! I think. Eh. Try and enjoy this one even if you've lost all hope for me!----------

"Weeeee! Are never ever ever, getting back together!"

UGH! "Gage, tell her to turn it off!" I groaned, pulling a pillow over my head. Chloe has been playing Taylor Swift in her room for the last hour, getting ready for school. How long can it take?! She's like nine!

"Chloe, shut it oooooooff!" Gage moaned, rubbing his eyes.  It didn't turn off, and I started hitting myself in the face with the pillow. I think my ears are bleeding. I feel Gage getting out of the bed, and immediately roll over and pull him back, causing him to fall ridiculously and into my awaiting arms. Victory!

"Levi! Let goooo!" He whined, and I shook my head. 

"Nope not doing it." He sighed, and I snuggled closer with my arms still wrapped around his torso.

"We have to go to school Levi. Like, now." I grumbled, the thought turning my stomach. 

"No we don't. There's a crazy hoe there that wants to kill me and rape you, plus the peeps keep creepin' on me and it sucks there now." I pouted, and Gage shifted so that he was hugging me to his chest.

"She doesn't want to kill you, she just wants you to suffer. Plus we don't even know if she was involved for sure." He said.

"Gee, you're so comforting. It doesn't matter though, I still don't wanna go." 

"Okay, so what do you wanna do then?" He asked, and my eyes went wide. I sat up and stared down at him.

"What?! Are you actually considering ditching with me?! Hell yes!" I fist pumped, and he rolled his eyes.

"Calm down, it's like seven o' clock in the morning! I'm tired, and you're too loud." I smacked his nipple, and he winced.

"I am not loud! Fricking Taylor in there is loud! I am about to march up in there and-"

"And do what? She's nine!" He burst out laughing after he said this, and I scowled. I smacked his nipple again, and smacked my hands away, still giggling.

"Shut up! You didn't let me finish, geez! I'm not gonna go in there and like roundhouse kick her in the face! I was gonna turn off-STOP LAUGHING!'' He just laughs and laughs, so I take things to the next level. Quickly I get up, standing on the bed. He looks up, his laughter dying when he sees me looming over him.

"Uh, Levi? What are you doing there?" He asks nervously, and I smirk. Then I jump up and right back down, my bum landing on his chest.

"DIVE BOMB!" I shout, and he coughs, pushing me off his chest and onto my side of the bed. I start laughing hysterically, and he glares. 

"Jerk, what if you accidentally hit my testicles or something?!" I drop my jaw in horror.

"Oh no! Then I wouldn't be able to have your babies!" He facepalms.

"You couldn't have my babies anyway." I scoff.

"Whatever dream killer." He shakes his head, swinging an arm around me and pulling me closer. I smile happily, snuggling again. Call me the snuggle monster.

"What are you smiling for you imp? I ain't cuddling you! Its'......NOOGIE TIME!" He shouts, and I gasp in horror as his hold turns into a headlock.

"NO GAGE NO! GET OFF!" I struggle uselessly, but he brings his fist to my head and noogies it deep.

"HAHAHAHAHA FEEL MY WRATH!" He says, and I laugh despite the pain, when I get an idea. I hastily put my hands to his nips and twist! 

"Ow! Quit it!" He releases me and pushes my hands off, rubbing his nips with a pout f his own. I rub the top of my head, and smack Gage's face with the pillow beside me. He just cuddles it to his chest, looking up at me thoughtfully. I stare back, wondering what suddenly caught his mind. 

"Y'know, i'm really lucky to have you Levi." I look at him surprised at his change in mood, a light blush on my face. He continues talking before I get the chance to respond.

"I never imagined that I could be myself so completely with someone. When I'm with you, I don't have to pretend to be cool or anything just because we're dating. You' best friend, and my boyfriend." He says, his eyes swirling with such emotion that it made me shiver down to every last bone. I didn't know what to say, so instead of speaking I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his lips to mine, the contact sending fire through my veins. His lips move softly against mine, saying the words we didn't. I pull away slowly, and rest my forehead against his with a smile.

"This is why I love you, fool." He smiles back, fingers tracing patterns on the back of my neck as I get lost in his deep green eyes for the thousandth time in my life. Even if there is a psycho slut trying to ruin my life, nothing can ruin this. 

----------I know, this is SHORT and sort of a filler chapter to show you their love is still going strong. Plus I wanted to slay you with extra fluffiness, so enjoy while you stone me for taking forever to update. >.< LOVE YOU GUYS ANYWAY----------

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