Chapter 23: Play it right

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----------I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in DAYS, I know I suck, but it's only because my friggin interwebs went out!! It was so annoying. You take my computer, you take my life. Period. So, please enjoy this chapter and don't kill me! Unless you want to do it in the comments ;D----------

"We're off to see the Wiggins, the horrible-"

"I mean it Levi! Shut it!" I snicker, finally shutting up. We are skipping down the hall, or rather I am skipping down the hall singing my own version of "We're off to see the Wizard." Clever huh? Gage doesn't think so. He is so annoyed, it's hilarious. I guess it's reasonable though considering I have been singing since we woke up this morning. 

"What's the matter Gage? You don't like my singing voice?" I nudge his side, and he grimaces..

"Not even a little bit. Sorry to say this, but you suck." I gasp, and place a hand on my chest.

"Gage! How could you?! You crushed my life long dream of becoming the next Justin Bieber!" He rolls his eyes, struggling not to smile as we stop by my locker.

"Okay I lied, my life long dream is to have your babies. But, I guess that isn't coming true either." I sigh dejectedly, and he burst out laughing. Scowling, I open my locker.

"Shut up Gage! Those would be some beautiful offspring!" He just continues laughing, and I grumble. I already know it ain't happening, you don't have to rub it in. Gathering my books, I slam my locker in time to see him wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. 

"Levi, you're so cute." Insert blush. Grumbling yet again, I take his hand and drag him to his locker.

"Psh, cute my ass."

".....Yep, that's cute too." I jump, turning around with my mouth open in shock and my face red. He laughs loudly again, clutching his stomach. I walk backwards and lean against the locker next to his, now feeling self conscious about my behind. 

"You're a dirty perv, Gage. How am I going to know if you're looking at my butt now when i'm walking?!" He winks, putting in his combination.

"You won't."

"Ugh! Whatever, I don't have time for your nonsense, fool." He grins.

"I ain't no fool. By the way, when are we gonna do the thing?" I look at him in confusion.

"The what?"

"You know, the thing. Where we go by Wiggins' office-"

"SSHHH!! I know, don't say it so loud!" He glares down at me as he shuts his locker.

"That's why I said the thing!" 

"Oooohhh! Geez Gage, you know who it is that you're tallkin' to here! Be more articulate." Shaking his head, he grabs my hand and we start going to class.

"Do you think he'll catch us?" I ask him, and he purses his lips. Man I want to kiss him right now.

"Nah. As long as we play it right. I know the secretary will be on our side, so this will be a breeze for sure." We grin mischievously at each other, and enter the class room. 

"Boys! How good to see you. Please, take your seats." I look over in shock, seeing Wiggins at the front of the class instead of the teacher.

"Principal Wiggins?! Wh-how where's Miss Smith?!" I ask, and his eyes glint evilly. Oh no. Poor Miss Smith.

"She took off for the week, so now I am your first period teacher until her return." Gage twitches, and we send each other looks that mean the same thing. Don't sit next to me. I sit in the back and he sits in the front, so we don't raise suspicion in Wiggins, who watches us as we sit down.

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