Chapter 26: From bad to worse

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----------Sorry the last chapter sucked guys :/ Yeah I know it sucked, not ashamed to admit and not surprised nobody commented. Anyway, I saw Breaking Dawn Part 2 yesterday and I died because it was have no words. Now, carry on~~~~~~~~~~

The next day at school was tense and awkward, mainly because I happened to be by myself. Gage had come down with something that wouldn't let him keep his stomach full of anything, and I wouldn't let him go to school no matter how desperately I might need him there. Every person I look at seems to be judging me with a look I can't decipher.

What are they thinking? Is it bad? I don't see why it would be though, I mean it isn't like I killed my father, and is it wrong to put away the man who did? At least I think he did...didn't he? All the signs were there! The evidence, the motive, the means, everything! What am I doubting for?!

I exhale a nervous breath, shaky hands clutching my books until my knuckles turned white. There was a substitute when I got to class, and it seemed to make the tension in the room thicker each time she spoke, like she was evidence.

I don't understand. They must think something worse happened, otherwise I have no clue why i'm getting the cold shoulder from all of them.

By the time first period is over and I am walking back to my locker, my lower lip is raw from biting it so much due to the awkwardness I felt. As I am opening my locker, I feel something looming behind me, making my hairs stand on end. I slowly turn and jump when I see Madeline standing disconcertingly close to my face.

"Geez! Don't..don't sneak up on me like that!" I pant a little, still startled out of my whits. She just grins, and steps closer making me take a step back. The hell?

"My apologies. Really. I just wanted to ask you a quick, quick question. Did you take the bus today?" My face pales, and my hands start to shake as she smiles wickedly. 

"N-no. The buses are down. Why?" I ask warily, and ever so slowly her smile turns into a sneer that made my blood run cold. 

"No particular reason. Tell Gage I say...hi. Oh, and Sal too." She lifts a hand to wave, me spotting some slimy black matter on her palm and fingers. She backs away, before turning and disappearing. Wha...what the hell.

Several students around me look at me strangely, seeing as i'm panting and sweaty and scared out of my mind. I quickly turn to face my locker and close my eyes, praying that Sal is okay. Madeline is so freaking creeping me out right now.

What if, that's insane. My dad, his killer it...was Wiggins, wasn't it? His killer was taller than him, not shorter. The marks went up. It couldn't have been Madeline. But she had a wrench and was behind the bus, and she hates me, and she wants Gage and she is seriously creeptacular!

      Oh god, I am going back to Gage's house. I can't take this, I am going to lose my mind without him by my side. No joke. I quickly open my  locker and get my backpack, shutting it and fast walking past all the students burning holes in my face. 

I sigh in relief when I get out of the school, but stop in my tracks when I see Sal in the bus, trying to start it up. He thuds it a few times, and I get a sick feeling in my stomach. That black stuff on her hand, it couldn't have been...could it? No. NO. Not Sal too! Immediately I run towards the bus at full speed.

"SAL! Get out! OUT OF THE BUS NOW!" I shout my lungs out, but he doesn't hear, i'm too far. I run closer still shouting, but next thing I know the bus is exploding, and I am thrown backwards a few feet, landing flat on my back.

The wind is knocked out of me, and I struggle to catch my breath and focus, but the ringing in my ears isn't helping. I faintly hear voices surrounding me, someone shouting. I blink and try to sit up, but someone holds me back down. My vision starts to wink out, but I hear someone whisper in my ear venomously.

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