Chapter 6: Lost without you

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----------M'kay, back to Levi's POV. Enjoii.----------

I never hated school so much before. In fact, I loved school, and school loved me.

Except for Madeline, of course. That new girl that was causing me problems? I recently found out her name is Madeline Underhill. Lately she has been smirking at me. Annoying twat. I just pay no mind to her, like I do everyone else.

Today is Wednesday, only the middle of the week. I sigh in exasperation at the thought, but don't find myself wanting to go home either. Standing close to my locker, I touch my black eye gingerly, wincing. Stupid, beefy dad fists. 

"Need ice for that?" 

"Swiss cheese!" I yell in surprise and turn to face Gage with a glare. I am about to open my mouth to say something sarcastic, but then turn away from him. Nice try, Gage. 

"Well, I don't know where I would get ice anyway." What? That idiot! I grit my teeth and shut my locker, passing him to go to the lunchroom. As i'm walking, I wait for his footsteps to pass me or fade away, but they just keep pace with me. I stop. Gage stops. I glare up at him to see him smirking.

"Have you caught on yet, Levi?" What is he talking about? Caught on to what? Gage faces me with his whole body, a determined look in his eyes. I shrink away from him, and glare up at him with mild curiosity.

"I am not going to give up on you. I know it will never make up for those things I said, but I won't leave you alone. Not until the real Levi comes back, you can count on that. It's a little ironic, heh. I am going to be following you around all the time when you don't want me to. The roles are reversed! Well, sort of. I didn't really mind. Wait, yes I did! Forget I said that."

As he babbles on, my brain starts to register everything he is saying. He's kidding right? He can't be serious! Deciding the situation to be too frustrating to remain silent, I speak up.

"The old Levi doesn't even exist anymore, Gage! Don't you get it? It wasn't your fault, so it's not your responsibility to fix it. Just lay off, okay?" I leave him standing there baffled while I go to lunch.

Of course, he follows, and sits with me at lunch. Thankfully he doesn't say anything, but what he does is almost worse. I hate people watching me eat on any given day, but Gage just watches me with this grim expression, most likely inspecting what he can see of my wounds. 

"Mind your own business!" I hiss across the table, but he just leans his cheek on his fist and looks me up and down. Aww he looks so cu-NO! I am not slipping back into that. 

For the rest of lunch, I do my best to ignore him, even when he follows much too close behind me on the way back to the lockers. Still ignoring him and his stupid curls, I speed-walk to class but it doesn't help, since he is taller. Being 5'6' is kinda sad for a seventeen year old boy. 

When we get to class I sit in the back so he can't sit behind me, and is forced to sit beside me.

Looking forward, I facepalm when I realize I sat directly behind Madeline. Fortunately she didn't notice, she was too busy flirting with a bunch of guys.

Sighing in relief, I sit back. 

Screech. Screech. Screeeeech-oh what the heck is that?! I look to my side annoyed, and see Gage with an innocent look on his face, noticing his chair is significantly closer to mine than it was before. 

Leaning over, I whisper, "What do you think you're doing?! Move back!" He simply shakes his head, a firm look on his face. Ugh!

I reach over and attempt to push his chair away, but only end up scooting myself further away. Aha! I grab the sides of my seat and hop away, smirking. I sit back, shooting a quick glare at Madeline, who had turned to see what we were doing. She turns back around, and I relax. Until.

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