Ch 1: What the hell?

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-double A batteries
-bring mom a candle
-refill prescription

I check over my list, seemingly millions of times before I leave the house. 'Am I forgetting anything? I got my bag. Do I have my house keys? Where's my phone?! Wait! Back pocket.' My anxious brain races faster than light as I attempt to keep focused. The store is just a 30-second walk from my house. Not that bad, right? Just keep your feet forwards. With my memory, however, I'd lose my mind if not for constant lists and reminders. Such an idiot, but that's just me I guess. Shit! Forgot! I open the door a crack, speaking loudly. "Bye, mom! I'll be back in a minute!" I shut the door again, my feet clumsily sloshing against puddles and damp asphalt. My body seems to sway, my steps indicating a fragile structure. Faded crimson and vermilion hues dangle from tree limbs as they sway gently in the Autumn breeze, while the pale blue sky above becomes dulled down with the threat of approaching storms.

As I reach the shelter of the grocery plaza, the clouds fulfill their threat, with spells of roaring thunder accompanying the calming trickle of thin rain sheets. I smile gently to myself. I've always found a refuge in the loud pitter-patter and rumble that rage outside. It's given me comfort. Though, my mom hates it with a passion.

Some nights when she was asleep and it was particularly "bad" outside, I thought to sneak out and play. I'd dance to the beat my brain played for me. I was free. But I didn't get caught until I got sick. My door remained locked at night ever since. The audible patter against pavement calms my nerves and I step inside.

Certainly busier than usual. But I guess that's just the kind of day it is. Plus, it's not like it's not normal in a city like this to have days where customers overflow the aisles and checkout. But what really got to me was the fact that people seemed as uneasy as I am, if not more so. They know it's just a storm...right? I find myself taking a deep breath, making my way to the toiletries aisle. I go to pull the list out of my pocket...and my eyes go wide in panic.

Where is it?!?! My heart goes wild, almost matching my now rapid breath. I swear I had it when I left! It was right here! I check all over, but it ends fruitlessly. Shit!

I try calming myself, the storm outside finding its way to my ears. ' can't be that bad. There are only a few items...' I take a deep breath, scanning the familiar items as I walk. Toothpaste! I snatch it hastily off the shelf, placing it in my bag. Next stop: soaps. My feet walk towards the next aisle when a loud crash shakes the ground beneath me, and the sound of rain is no longer muffled.

Hairs stand against my neck as the cold air rushes against my skin. I look in the direction of the disturbance to see a man dressed in green and gold. Rain pours in from above while rubble litters the floor around him. The sound doesn't calm me as it is unable to be heard through the sounds of screams and fear. More of the roof starts collapsing and I do the one thing I can think of as his elegant chaos makes his way in my direction. Without thinking, I run towards him and tackle him to the ground. I don't even know if he's the culprit...but my instincts tell me to fight. He lands back first before me, regaining his composure relatively quickly. All I remember next is I find myself holding him in a headlock, soaking wet and surrounded by shocked onlookers. His lip was a tad bruised and he was barely conscious...

The chaos had stopped. What the hell did I do?! Shock grips me and I can't think. Can't move. Everything seems to freeze. The rain, the people, my heart, everything. I don't recall anything from just moments before.

Everything remains frozen until a man who seems just a few years older than me puts what seems to be a...muzzle? Yeah, they put a metal muzzle over his chin. "Alright, Loki...Thor's gonna have a word or two with you when you-" The man stops, looking at me shocked. "...You're not Natasha. Uhm, alright then. Uh..." I stay frozen as I finally recognize the man in red white and blue. "...You're Captain America."

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