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"Hyung! Hyung! Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok called out, chasing after Yoongi. After hearing his name, Yoongi stopped and turned, noticing Hoseok.

"Yeah? What's up, Hoseok?" Hoseok pointed upwards but continued with what he was going to say.

"You were interested in the Jimin kid, right?" Yoongi nodded. "He's recently befriended Seokjin hyung. If you want to get close to Jimin, your best bet is to get close to Seokjin hyung. And, I hear the games club is running low on members and is in risk of getting closed."

"What's that got to do with anything?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok sighed, momentarily forgetting that everyone didn't know as much as he did about everyone else.

"Seokjin hyung is head of games club. And it's compulsory to join a co-curricular, so Jimin is likely to join that if he can't get out of it." Hoseok explained, stepping from foot to foot impatiently. "So if you join the club, you have the double bonus of getting Seokjin hyung to like you more because you're helping save his club and also potentially joining the same club as Jimin."

"And if he doesn't join?" Hoseok shrugged.

"Then at least you're still able to get close to Seokjin hyung." Yoongi nodded as he thought about it before smiling and patting Hoseok's shoulder.

"Thanks, Hoseok, I don't know what I'd do without you." Hoseok smiled, his cheeks turning a light pink shade at the compliment. "Now, where's the games club?"

"Seokjin hyung's in the library, he has a test next period and he fell asleep last night before he even got a chance to study. He got home late because he was lined up all afternoon to get the special edition of a new release of a game." Hoseok said and Yoongi slowly frowned at him.

"How do you know this, you stalker?" Yoongi chuckled and Hoseok shook his head.

"Seokjin hyung was complaining to Jimin about it while we were lined up to get lunch. I was standing behind him."

"Oh... Okay." Yoongi nodded his head slowly. "Anyway, I should go find Seokjin hyung. Thanks again, Hoseok, you've been a real help."

"No problem, just trying to help a friend." Hoseok said, sighing once Yoongi had run off. "What's so special about that boy anyway?"

Hoseok sighed again before turning around and going to walk off but accidentally walking into a boy.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" The boy exclaimed as the pair toppled to the floor. Hoseok frowned as he looked up and saw a blonde boy lying across from him, groaning loudly. "Why am I such a klutz?"

"Kim Namjoon, my year, got suspended for wrecking the school's new computer system and setting off the sprinklers three times, known around school for being the God of destruction." Hoseok accidentally blurted out once he recognised the boy. Namjoon frowned at him, while Hoseok slapped a hand over his own mouth.

"How do you know all that?" Namjoon asked as he sat up, the pair just causally sitting on the hallway floor as students walked around them. "Are you my stalker?"

"I know everything there is to know about everyone in this school." Hoseok bragged, puffing out his chest rather proudly. Namjoon smiled slightly before pointing at a nearby boy.

"Who's he?" Hoseok stared at the person for a few seconds before looking back at Namjoon.

"That's a girl..." Hoseok said and Namjoon's eyes widened as he looked back at the person standing at the nearby, before Hoseok chuckled. "Nah, I'm just kidding. That's just Henry Lau, a transfer from Toronto, Canada. He can speak six languages and I hear he's pretty good on the violin."

"Pfft, that's nothing, I can-"

"He can play the violin and dance simultaneously." Namjoon immediately shut up and the pair looked up at Henry, Hoseok in mild interest and Namjoon in awe. Henry noticed he was being watched and looked down, waving awkwardly at the pair sitting on the floor. They both waved back and Henry quickly walked off.

"So, do you know anything good about me?" Namjoon asked. "Anything other than the destroying everything thing?"

"You've slept with basically the entire female population of the school." Hoseok said bluntly, making Namjoon sigh.

"I asked for something good..." Hoseok reached over and pat Namjoon's shoulder.

"I've heard you're pretty good in bed."


"Seokjin hyung!" Yoongi said suddenly, making Seokjin jump and drop his pen on the floor. Seokjin picked up his pen before frowning up at Yoongi.

"What, Yoongi?" He asked.

"I want to join the games club you run." Yoongi said and Seokjin nodded slowly.

"Okay... And? I need to study."

"You're friend's with Jimin, right?" Seokjin nodded again. "Help me become friends with him."

"Why?" Yoongi hesitated for a second.

"Because I want to be friends with him." Seokjin stared blankly at Yoongi for a few seconds before responding.

"I caught him staring at you once, that's how we became friends." He said, before falling silent again. "I'll do you a deal."


"You leave me alone to study, and I'll help you befriend Jimin." Seokjin said with a slight smile. A much larger smile grew on Yoongi's lips and he suddenly hugged Seokjin, taking him by surprise.

"Thank you, hyung!" He exclaimed, squeezing Seokjin.

"You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think someone had a crush." Seokjin said once he escaped Yoongi's grasp.

"Please, hyung, Jimin is the first decent guy I've seen in a while that I would date." Yoongi said, admitting that he did indeed have a little crush on Jimin. It'd been a while since he'd had any feelings for a boy.

"What about me? I'm offended, Yoongi." Seokjin said, his hand placed over his chest as if he was actually offended.

"Wounded, even?" Yoongi asked with a grin.

"Hurt, Yoongi." Seokjin pretended to be offended for a more seconds before he smiled as well, the pair both chucking slightly. "Though seriously, I need to study. Leave me alone."

"Sorry hyung, bye hyung." Yoongi said before walking off to leave Seokjin to his studies. Seokjin attempted to study for a few minutes but gave up after he realised his mind kept travelling to ways he could get his new favourite couple together. He sighed, ruffling his hair as he looked up.

"Damn you, Yoongi, why do you have to be so distracting? Even when you're not here..."




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