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Yoongi sighed as he sat on his bed, having spent the last hour looking for his diary. It'd disappeared from his desk, and now he was starting to worry.

He didn't want to automatically assume it was Jimin just because he had kleptomania, so he figured the best thing to do was wait and see if Jimin returned it. Jimin seemed to feel really guilty not long after and would eventually return whatever it'd been that he stole, so if it was him Yoongi would just have to wait and see.

But if it wasn't Jimin, then someone out there had Yoongi's diary and the longer he spent waiting around was more time they had to go through his secrets. And there were a lot of secrets in that thing.

Yoongi sighed and fell backwards on to the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He really hoped it was just Jimin.


"Hyung, why does everyone know things only you and I should know?" Hoseok asked Yoongi at lunch the next day. Yoongi just groaned and placed his head in his hands.

"Someone stole my diary." Yoongi muttered and Hoseok frowned. Hoseok felt rather annoyed that everyone now knew things only he'd known. He liked to have secrets with Yoongi, to know something everyone else didn't.

"Was it Jimin?" He asked and Yoongi shrugged.

"I don't think so, he would've returned it by now. And he wouldn't have spread my secrets everywhere." Yoongi sighed. "But I don't know who'd do something like that. Seriously, who hates me that much?"

"It wasn't me. I promise." Hoseok said and Yoongi smiled slightly, wrapping his arm around Hoseok's shoulder.

"Well I'd hope you didn't hate me. I mean, with the stuff you know..." Hoseok looked at the ground, his heart rate picking up at contact. "Plus, I've always thought of you as a friend so, it'd be awkward if you didn't..."

"I could never hate you." Hoseok forced a smile as he looked up at Yoongi. He'd just been friendzoned (again) and basically made sure he'd never confess. He didn't want thing to be awkward between them if Yoongi found out he didn't think of him as a friend.

"I'm glad, Hoseok. Thanks."

"I could... I could try and find out who stole your diary." Hoseok suggested, his gaze dropping again. "I mean, all you really have to do is see who has a record. That'll give us an initial line-up of suspects. Then I'll find out who may have a grudge against you..."

"You'd do that??" Yoongi asked excitedly and Hoseok nodded. Suddenly, Hoseok found himself being hugged tightly by Yoongi. He froze for a second, surprised that he was being hugged by Yoongi, before regaining his senses and hugging Yoongi back. He made the most of the few seconds they were hugging, memorising how it felt to be in Yoongi's arms. "Thanks Hoseok, you're the best."

"Anything for a friend..." Hoseok said quietly, his gaze dropping again.


"Hey Jimin, got your bags packed?" Yoongi asked at the end of the week, swinging on Jimin's door. Jimin looked up at him, looking as skinny and as tired as usual. He shrugged as he got up off his bed, walking over to his chest of drawers. As he walked around the room, finishing packing, Yoongi took the chance to look at Jimin's room.

Everything was immaculate, nothing seemed out of place. All his books were organised on his desk and bookshelf, there were no clothes lying around the place and there was nothing on any of the surfaces other than the desk. After packing his bag, Jimin made his bed. It too, was perfectly made.

"Wow, you're clean." Yoongi said and Jimin shrugged. Jimin felt bad for not doing much talking, but he really wasn't in a very talkative mood. Seokjin had come round and made him eat earlier, and he was worried if he spoke he'd throw it all back up. "Here, let me take that bag."

Yoongi plucked Jimin's travel bag from his grasp and carried it. Jimin was about to protest, but decided not to. He closed his dorm room, and Yoongi noticed he twisted the doorknob three times before finally locking it. After checking that it was indeed locked, Jimin looked over at Yoongi.

"How are you so calm despite the fact everyone is laughing at you?" Jimin asked, finally decided to speak. He could feel the vomit rising, but he was going to risk it. He wanted to find out the secret to Yoongi's calmness. "How can you handle it?"

"I just ignore it." Yoongi shrugged. "I have someone finding out the problem for me, and this weekend I get to hang out with a really cute guy so I'm happy."

Jimin decided to ignore the compliment as he followed Yoongi down the corridor, not really believing it. He'd seen himself in the mirror. There was nothing attractive about someone like him, he was uninteresting and fat. He didn't even know why Yoongi was talking to him.

"Do you really still have to sleep with a teddy so you can sleep?" Jimin decided to ask, and Yoongi smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah... It's just a habit I didn't grow out of..."




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