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Because Hoseok didn't go home on the weekends, he spent that time searching for stealer of Yoongi's diary. After searching through the school records for anyone who'd stolen in the past or had any negative relation to Yoongi, Hoseok went to investigate these rooms. He unlocked the doors with the master key he'd gotten copied after he'd stolen it from the office.

"It's not anywhere..." Hoseok sighed after searching the last room. It was almost lunch and the teachers would soon be looking for him. Hoseok was stumped. Who could the stealer be?

Hoseok tried to think of who might want to steal Yoongi's diary and then thought of Yoongi's friends. After Jimin's enrolment, Yoongi had ditched his friends and when he was hanging out with them, he was usually going on and on about Jimin. Maybe one of those were annoyed and had attempted to ruin any chance Yoongi had with Jimin.

Glancing at his watch, Hoseok decided his investigations would have to continue after lunch. As he walked down the corridor, he noticed one of the doors ajar and an eye peeking out. When he frowned at whoever was staring at him, the door quickly shut. Hoseok looked at the dorm number, and memorised it. He'd find out who it was later.

He then headed off to his room, where a teacher would come round to get him soon.


"Jung Hoseok, right?" A kid asked at lunch. Hoseok looked up at him and nodded as he sat down next to him.

"Kwon Jiyong, infamous for having sex with a new kid and then breaking his heart. Your parents hate you, your brother changed schools because he couldn't stand to be in the same one as you." Hoseok blurted out, this time not even sorry he'd done it. The new kid Jiyong had played had been Jungkook, and it'd been the big news of the year when it'd happened. At the time, Jungkook had been a favourite of the students because of his niceness and good looks, so they all obviously shipped him with Jiyong when they got together and then rushed to defend Jungkook after he'd been played.

"You're not the only one who knows things about people." Jiyong said with a smirk, making Hoseok raise his eyebrow at him.

"Are you implying that you know things about me?" Jiyong nodded. "Pray tell."

"You're a freak." Jiyong said bluntly, but Hoseok didn't even flinch. "No one really knows what's wrong with you, but they've got a bunch of theories. For years you were a loner, but then Yoongi felt sorry for you and started to hang out with you. Everyone can see the massive crush you've got on him, everyone except Yoongi. And I have a theory about what's wrong with you."

"And what would that be?" Hoseok asked, appearing as though everything Jiyong had said didn't affect him at all.

"You hate your life. You obsess over other people's life so that you can forget about your own. You're boring." Jiyong's smirk grew when he saw the slightly twitch of Hoseok's eye, knowing he'd hit some mark. "You're pathetic--"

"And you're not much better for picking on someone like him, if he is everything you say he is." Jiyong jumped slightly when a hand hit his shoulder. He looked up and saw Taehyung glaring down at him. "Get lost, Jiyong. No one likes you, you're the one who needs someone'a pity except no one wants to give you theirs."

"Yeah, well, the things I know about you..." Jiyong began, attempting to scare Taehyung. But Taehyung just leaned in closer, causing Jiyong to gulp as his glare grew colder.

"You're going to a school filled up for messed up kids, there's not a single person here who doesn't have something wrong with them." Taehyung spat coldly. "This is where parents send the kids they want to forget they had. Now get lost."

Realising it was a good idea to do as Taehyung said, Jiyong hurried away to a different seat. Taehyung then replaced him in the seat he'd been sitting in, smiling at Hoseok.

"Thanks, Taehyung..." Hoseok said, looking down at his food. Taehyung shook his head, chuckling as though nothing had happened.

"It's all good. Just don't listen to him, he's just trying to upset you." Hoseok nodded, still looking like he wasn't upset at all. Taehyung reached over and touched Hoseok's shoulder. "And don't ever think no one likes you, because I like you a lot. Okay?"




NOTE: I'd previously added an incorrect note here. I don't think I actually touched on this topic again or explained it, so I'll do it here. The school the boys go to isn't one for messed up kids nor is it a place parents send the children they want to forget (Yoongi and Jimin's parents obviously don't want to forget about their sons); Taehyung is simply warping reality to fit an illusion he likes. If other kids are being sent away then he doesn't feel alone because (and I don't touch this) Taehyung is simply speaking from experience.

I'm sorry I failed at explaining this properly in the actual story. Not that it was any great loss

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