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Yoongi frowned in confusion as he heard a quiet knocking on his (for once) closed door. He got up slowly and walked over to it, opening it to reveal an extremely uncomfortable Jimin.

"Jimin?" Yoongi said as Jimin looked up at him. Jimin then pushed past him and entered the room, dumping a pile of things on Yoongi's messy bed. As Yoongi went to see what had just been put on his bed, Jimin looked uncomfortably around at the extremely messy bedroom.

"I'm sorry for stealing all of those things." Jimin said as Yoongi searched through the pile, finding a shirt, some keys, a sock, a pen, some chopsticks and his mother's cheap three dollar lipstick. Yoongi hadn't even realised that they'd been missing, and he was amazed Jimin had managed to steal them and not get noticed till he confessed, three days later.

It'd been three days since Yoongi had confessed to Jimin, and Jimin had been avoiding him ever since. Now, Jimin was hard to find on a good day, but it was practically impossible to find him when he was trying not to be found.

"It's okay, I understand you can't help it. But dude, I'm legitimately amazed." Jimin shuffled awkwardly where he was standing as his gaze dropped to the ground.

"I just wanted you to realise, that if we were to.. date, this is what you'd have to deal with. Basically every day." Yoongi stared at Jimin before he suddenly lit up, a grin appearing on his lips.

"So what you're saying is there's a chance?" Jimin didn't answer and Yoongi really hoped Jimin wasn't just bringing his hopes up for nothing. "Because, if there was a chance, I can assure you I can handle dealing with this every day. I'm fine, I understand you can't help it."

"I'm.. I'm sorry for sending you away yesterday, it was just because.." Jimin sighed, closing his eyes briefly. "I just don't like you, you're just like everyone else."

"Huh?" Jimin sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"Ignore me, I- I- I can't do this." Jimin groaned, suddenly collapsing down on to the ground. He crouched on the ground, shoving his face into his hands as he continued to let out a long, frustrated groan. Yoongi just watched in confusion. "I just can't stand this. You don't know what it's like, to worry that every day you're going to steal the wrong thing and get hurt or sent to jail, to look in the mirror and see this ugly, fat person staring back at you, to want to admit your feelings to someone and not be able to because it hurts to tell the truth. It's just not fair."

In his anger, Jimin grabbed a nearby converse (the same one he'd almost stolen) and chucked it across the room. Yoongi ducked, narrowly avoiding it hitting his head. He looked in worry at Jimin, although he was secretly glad to see that the boy actually had emotions.

"Why me? What did I do to deserve everything that's ever happened to me? What was I in a previous life? Does someone up there hate me?" Jimin sighed, exhaling slowly as he tried to calm down. The venting had brought his anger levels up, and now he was just letting it all out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean say all that to you... Just forget I ever said it."

"Who were you talking about when you said you wanted to admit your feelings but couldn't?" Yoongi asked, feeling hopeful again. Jimin shook his head, staring at the ground as the blush on his cheeks grew. "Do you like me?"

"I.. don't know.." Jimin said quietly, for once telling the truth. Then, slowly, he raised one finger. "One chance. I'll give you one chance." Jimin slowly looked up at Yoongi. "Purely so I can try and figure out what I'm feeling. But mess up and it's over, no second chances."

"Come on, I'm not going to purposefully mess up. You trust me right?" Yoongi asked as he attempted to contain his happiness. Jimin stared at him blankly.

"Trusting people gets you hurt, I trust no one." Yoongi's smile faltered slightly, but soon returned as he moved over to where Jimin was crouching.

"Then I guess I'll just have to try and gain your trust. Can I.. Am I allowed to hug you? Please?" Jimin shuffled in the spot a little and opened his arms, which Yoongi took as an invitation to hug.

Yoongi smiled as he hugged Jimin, because although all he could feel under his arms was a boney body, it was Jimin's boney body he was hugging and he felt that if he could make this work, he might just have a chance to get Jimin better.




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