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"Jimin, are you alright? You look a little tense?" Seokjin asked as they walked to their next class. Jimin nodded, adjusting the books in his arms. He cleared his throat awkwardly, and Seokjin watched him. "Are you eating properly? You're looking pretty skinny.."

"I'm fine." Jimin responded, not really answering Seokjin's question. Seokjin frowned at him, torn between wanting to keep asking and not pushing Jimin.

"Okay, but just make sure you eat properly. You'll get sick if you don't." They reached Seokjin's classroom and Seokjin paused, while Jimin kept walking. "I'll meet you at your class afterwards, okay?"

"Okay." Jimin called back, walking down the corridor. The tension inside of him was growing stronger, and he knew exactly what that meant. He hated that he could recognise a sign that he was about to steal, and still couldn't do anything about it.

He, thankfully, made it to class without stealing anything. As he sat waiting for the teacher, his knee bounced nervously and he found it impossible to sit still. He looked around, before noticing the teacher had left a pile of things on his desk. Jimin got up, quickly grabbed a sheet off the desk, and sat back down. He smiled as he shoved the piece of paper inside his book, the tension relieved.

But as soon as the brief sensation of pleasure passed, Jimin was left with the feeling of guilty. He began to feel nervous, looking around in case someone was looking at him and had seen what he had done. Luckily, he'd arrived to class early enough that there was barely anyone in the room, and those who were there weren't even paying attention to him.

But still, Jimin's nerves were high as he sat there, wanting to return the sheet but not wanting to get caught. If he got caught, he'd either have to admit he had kleptomania or someone might get the wrong idea.

"Jimin." The teacher said as he walked through the door, making Jimin jump in shock. "Could you hand out these papers, it's today's starter."

Jimin nodded and got up, taking the pile of papers the teacher handed him. He was unable to make eye contact with his teacher, worried he might be able to somehow know he'd stolen the sheet. Jimin then hurried off to place a piece of paper on each desk, feeling as though every eye was on him.

"Oh, and Jimin." The teacher called out again and this time Jimin was sure he'd been caught. "Well done on the test, you did really good."

"Thanks." Jimin said weakly as he placed a sheet on Taehyung's desk.

"What'd you get?" Taehyung asked curiously and Jimin shrugged.

"Just ninety-four percent." He said and Taehyung's eyes widened. Jimin frowned a little at him, wondering why he was so surprised.

"Only ninety-four percent?? I only got seventy!" Taehyung shook his head as he looked down at the sheet. "Why is everyone smarter than me?"

"I'm not really that smart, and I could do better..." Jimin said as he walked away, continuing to hand out the paper. He didn't understand why Taehyung was so amazed, it wasn't like he'd got a hundred or anything...


"Hey Jimin, what're you doing this weekend?" Yoongi asked, surprising Jimin when he hugged him from behind in the corridor. Jimin jumped, pulling away before he realised it was just Yoongi.

"Mum wants me to come home for the weekend..." Jimin said. "Dad's going to be home and she wants to have dinner together."

"Oh, well I was going to invite you over. Guess it'll just have to wait till another weekend." Jimin nodded as Yoongi held his hand, interlacing their fingers. Jimin wanted to pull his hand away, but then he remembered what his grandma had said. "But it'll be fun to see your parents, won't it? Have you been missing them?"

"I don't know. My mum worries too much and my dad's not really a big part of my life so I haven't really missed them that much." Jimin admitted, shrugging. He stared at the ground, while Yoongi looked at him. "I'm kind of nervous, to be honest."

"Hey, they're your family. You shouldn't be nervous." Jimin sighed and reached into his pocket with his spare hand, pulling out a phone.

"Please don't leave your phone so easy to grab like that." He said as he handed the phone to Yoongi, conveniently changing the subject as he essentially admitted to stealing Yoongi's phone. "Someone might steal it."

Yoongi suddenly started laughing as he placed his phone in his pocket, both hurting and confusing Jimin. Jimin couldn't help but feel Yoongi was laughing at him.

"I'm sorry, it's just... You never cease to amaze me." Yoongi said as he slowly stopped laughing. As he smiled widely, he stepped closer to Jimin and hugged him. Jimin felt awkward but didn't hug back. "You're amazing, Jimin. Just ignore that voice in your head and listen to me, listen to someone who knows what they're talking about. You're perfect."

Yoongi's arms around Jimin grew tighter and Jimin stood there, slowly lifting his arms so he was returning the hug. In comparison to Yoongi's hug, Jimin's was pathetic, but it made Yoongi happy nonetheless.

'I'm sorry, hyung, but that voice is louder than yours.'




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