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"So, who took the journal?" Namjoon asked once Hoseok had stopped crying. Hoseok shook his head, now lying at Namjoon's side, his arms wrapped around his waist. "Are you not going to say or do you just not know?"

"You can't tell Yoongi hyung if I tell you, you have to promise me you won't." Hoseok said and Namjoon quickly promised, assuring him that he wouldn't tell Yoongi. "It was Taehyung. He was basically trying to get revenge for me because Yoongi wouldn't notice me and he saw it was making me sad, or at least that's what he said."

"That kid has a funny way of getting revenge." Namjoon said and Hoseok shrugged.

"He apologised, to me, and practically begged me to forgive him. So I did."

"You forgive easily." Hoseok shrugged again, this time not answering. Sighing, Namjoon attempted to remove Hoseok's arms from around him and got out from the bed. Hoseok then fluffed up his pillow, placing his arm under it as he looked up at Namjoon. "You should sleep, you look like the crying has tired you out."

"Are you going out?" Hoseok asked, and Namjoon knew what he was implying. He smiled and shook his head.

"Nah, I'll still be here when you wake up. I have homework to do." Hoseok nodded and settled down in bed, not taking his eyes off Namjoon as he waited for him to sit down or at least look like he wasn't going to leave as soon as he closed his eyes. Namjoon sat down on his own bed, and pulled out the book he was being made to read for English, before glancing over again at Hoseok. "Just sleep, you need it."

Hoseok nodded and closed his eyes, falling asleep to the faint sounds of the pages of Namjoon's book turning every so often and the occasional sigh from Namjoon as he struggled to read the incredibly boring book.


"Ah, you're awake." Yoongi said, as though Jimin had been out for hours. Although it felt like a long time because he was sitting there stressing out, in reality Jimin had only been unconscious for a couple of minutes.

Jimin frowned as he sat up in his bed, rubbing his hair as he looked around. His eyes slowly widened as he remembered the events that had leaded up to him fainting, his cheeks growing red.

"Y-You..." He said, pointing at Yoongi. "You were blabbering nonsense in an attempt to make me feel better." This made Yoongi frown until he realised what Jimin was referring to.

"No, that wasn't nonsense. I've genuinely had a crush on you for a little while now, even ask Seokjin hyung." Jimin felt mildly guilty at the mention of Seokjin's name because he hadn't been speaking to him much lately, but then he reminded himself that he had never really had much to do with Seokjin (or anyone, for that matter) unless he came to him first. "It's too early to say love because you haven't given me the chance to love you, but I reckon I could probably fall in love with you if you let me..."

"It's stupid to have a crush." Jimin muttered and Yoongi frowned slightly. "I mean, even its name is a warning.. 'crush', it's just a brief but relatively strong feeling of attraction you get for someone, which usually ends up with you getting heartbroken because your crush will never feel the same way."

"Well, also, you know, based on psychology studies, a crush generally last abouts four months max. If it goes over that, then you're in love." The corner of Jimin's lips curved up into the closest thing Yoongi was going to get to a smile, and he chuckled ever so slightly.

"Stop googling crush quotes." Yoongi grinned, a gummy smile that Jimin found kind of cute but would never admit. Especially not when it would probably only fuel this pointless and stupid 'crush' he had. "And I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you or anything like that."

"Aw, come on, just give me a chance." Yoongi begged, shuffling over to the edge of Jimin's bed. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"I end up getting attached to you and then you realise I'm more work than I'm worth and leave me, and then I'm left feeling lonely and mildly heartbroken, wondering why I was ever stupid enough to cave to you in the first place." Jimin replied in his usual emotionless tone, his face void of any of the normal expressions one would have when saying something like that.

"I promise you, if you give me a chance, I won't ever leave you. The only reason I would was if you told me to, I swear on my father's grave." Yoongi said sincerely, and Jimin stared at him blankly for a few seconds.

"Do you promise, you'll leave if I tell you to?" Yoongi nodded, and Jimin was silent for a few more seconds. "Please leave."


"You promised to leave if I wanted you to. Please leave me alone." Jimin responded and Yoongi nodded slowly, getting up. He felt a little hurt and rejected, but a promise was a promise and he was going to prove to Jimin that he was a man of his word.

"I'll see you later, Jimin." He said as he walked to the door.





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