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Jimin watched as Yoongi sat across from him on the bed, doing maths homework. His gaze drifted downwards as Yoongi licked his lip slowly, momentarily distracted by his tongue before he quickly realised what he was doing and looked away. He looked down at his own books, tugging at the sleeve of his jumper as he stared blankly at the writing scrawled across it.

He flicked his fringe out of his eyes while thinking he probably needed to cut his hair soon, not really focussing on the homework. He was having difficulties doing that when he had an uninvited person who was determined to call himself 'Jimin's boyfriend' no matter how much Jimin protested.

"Jimin..." Yoongi said, his voice cutting through the silence and making Jimin jump. He looked up at Yoongi, who scratched his head before frowning and returning Jimin's gaze. "How do you do this?"

Yoongi handed his book over and Jimin quickly read through what he was doing. Yoongi watched as he frowned ever so slightly as he read the equations, smiling a little at the expressions he was making.

"Well, first you find a common factor.." Jimin said, pointing at the equation. Yoongi simply smiled as Jimin continued to explain how to figure out the answer, barely even paying attention to what he was saying. "Do you understand?"

"What? Oh, yeah." Yoongi said cheerfully and Jimin frowned, pretty sure he wasn't even listening. "You're pretty clever, Jiminnie."

"Not really." Jimin handed Yoongi's book back, deciding to ignore the nickname. "And we did that at the school I used to go to, so I already know how to do it."

"What was your old school like? I've never heard you talk about it.." Yoongi said, looking curiously at Jimin. Jimin was silent for a few seconds before shaking his head, looking at the bedsheets. He ran his hand across it, smoothing out the blankets.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jimin said quietly, avoiding eye contact. Yoongi nodded slowly, respecting Jimin's wishes as he went back to his homework.

Jimin tried to do his own homework, but found it even more difficult to concentrate now. For the most part, he just stared blankly at it, chewing on his bottom lip as he tried to block out the memories he'd tried so hard to forget.


"Can I stay here tonight? I don't want to walk back to my room." Yoongi said as he stretched, having finally finished his homework. "I'll sleep on the floor if I have to, and I promise I won't do anything."

"Okay." Jimin said quietly, not really wanting him to stay but also not really wanting to tell him that. He continued to pinch his wrist, feeling the fat come up underneath his fingers.

Yoongi's gaze dropped to Jimin's fingers, before quickly acting as though he hadn't seen it and looked back up at Jimin. He smiled at him, jumping up and placing his books as neatly as he could on Jimin's desk. Jimin tried to ignore the disruption it was causing in his organisation, before he got up and fixed them. He placed them with the other books, and then felt awkward about succumbing to his OCD.

"Sorry." He muttered as he walked back over to his bed.

"It's okay. You don't need to apologise." Yoongi said, continuing to smile at Jimin. "When do you want to go to sleep?"

Jimin shrugged. He'd probably be up after Yoongi went to sleep, so he didn't really care when they went to bed. Yoongi sighed slightly.

"Do you want to change into your pyjamas? I can not look or leave the room if you want to." Jimin shrugged again. "I'll let you get changed."

Yoongi then walked outside into the corridor and Jimin followed him, closing the door once he was out. He then locked the door and walked over to his drawers, pulling out the clothes he wore to bed. As he got changed, he looked at himself in the mirror, seeing fat where there really wasn't any and sighing softly.

He just wasn't being careful enough.


Jimin was holding on to the edge of the building, feeling his fingers slipping off the edge as he struggled to hold on.* If he slipped, he'd fall, and then the darkness would take him again.

A shadow passed over Jimin and he looked up. A person he recognised stood above him, and he attempted to call out for help but found he wasn't able to talk. He could feel his grip slipping and he adjusted his fingers, looking desperately up at the person.

They smiled as they stepped on his fingers, trying to loosen his grip. Jimin began to panic as his grip slipped again and he felt himself falling again.**

But then something gripped his wrist and he was no longer falling. He looked up and saw an orange haired person looking down at him, holding on to his wrist.***

"Jimin," the person said, his voice making Jimin want to cry in relief. "I want to help you."

Yoongi heard Jimin crying and he got up, turning the lamp next his bed on as he crawled over the bed. Jimin was still asleep as he cried.

"Jimin," he said softly, shaking the younger boy's shoulder gently. He didn't want to shake too hard, in case he broke Jimin. He looked more fragile than usual as he curled up in a fetal position. "Jimin."

Jimin suddenly woke up, looking up at Yoongi as he continued to cry. He then sat up slowly, weakly grabbing Yoongi and wrapping his arms around him. Yoongi hugged Jimin back, rubbing his shaking back as he listened to the boy's sobs.

"It's going to be alright, Jimin." He said quietly, really hoping he wasn't lying. "I'm here, you don't have to worry."

"Please don't leave me." Jimin sobbed into Yoongi's shoulder, clinging to Yoongi as though he thought he was going to disappear at any second. "Please don't let me fall."

"I won't. I'll always be here to catch you."




Just to explain Jimin's dream:
*Holding on for dear life in your dream suggests that you are trying your best to fix a situation you may have no control over.

**Losing your grip means that you are not confident with yourself in difficult situations.
If someone pushes you, it can mean that they're pushing you overboard mentally, or that you yourself are pushing yourself.

***If somebody saves you suggest that somebody will help you out of a tough situation that you are in.

(This is just one interpretation of what these dream symbols could mean, but it's the ones I used for the dream. There are also multiple different meaning for the one symbol, depending on its context.)

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