Chapter 16-Karaoke and Love

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Alice's POV:
I had just finished my shift and said goodbye to Nick and Judy before heading back home. They were going to be having a movie night 😏 and Alice was going to pick me up to go clubbing in 30 minutes.

I got home and looked through my wardrobe to see what looks nice. I went with a nice red sparkly dress that was knee length and red heels. I fixed my fur a little beater and sat on the couch, waiting for Angel.

Angel's POV:
I have 30 minutes until I pick up Alice so that should be enough time to get ready. I looked through my drawers until I found a sparkly crop top with some ripped jeans.

I glanced at the time and decided to go pick her up early. I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard from the other side. "The pizza lady" I say back. I heard footsteps then the door opened. She looked amazing.

"Aww no pizza?" She said fake sad. "No even better" I said with a smirk. She laughed and followed after me after locking her door.

"So which club are we going to?" She asks as we get in my car. "It's called a surprise" She rolls her eyes and then I start the car.

"So you ready to sing your heart out?" I ask. "Yes but I can't help being nervous" She says sighing. "Hey, you will do fine. Trust me, you will feel better once you do" she smiles and looks out the window.

"The stars are so beautiful tonight" She says full of joy. Her eyes twinkled in the star light. "They are" I say but I could think of something more beautiful.

Alice's POV:
Angel stopped the car and we both got out and in huge neon letters was a sign that said 'Paradise.' "Best club ever recommended" Angel says happily. We walk in and I see mostly predators and a stage with a karaoke setup.

"This is a predator club so no prey or anything" Angel says. I nod and glance at the stage again. "I will tell the owner you want to sing. What song?" Angel asks. I whisper, then she nods and she goes to find the owner

A few minutes later, my name was said and I could feel all eyes on me. I panicked a little but then I saw Angel and all my worries went away. I began to sing.

(I love this song and just imagine a woman's voice 😂)

I finished singing and everyone was clapping and I felt myself tear up happily. I looked over at Alice who was also clapping and she cheered. I ran off the stage and gave her a big hug. She was caught off guard but then hugged me back.

"Thank you" I say still crying. She wipes my tears with her paw. "Don't thank me. You did that on your own and I'm proud of you. I smiled and then we went back to clubbing for a few more hours.

Angel's POV:
We went back to my car and I parked somewhere which Alice didn't recognise. I got out the car and motioned her to follow me. She did and then looked at where we were.

It was a view of the whole of Zootopia and millions of stars that shined above. We both sat down on the hill to watch. "Angel this is beautiful where did you find this place?" She asks. "I was a country girl, so I lived near the countryside a lot" she nods and smiles.

"Even though we have known each other for a month, I feel a connection" Alice replied and smiled at me again. I lost control of my body and I kissed her.

I pulled away quickly. "OMG, I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was found and you looked pretty and then you-" I was interrupted by Alice's lips on mine. I kissed back and it felt like as if fireworks were going off.

We pulled away and she smiled at me. I smiled back and we knew this moment was too precious for words, but for being with each other. She snuggled against me and we embraced, watching the stars again.

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