chapter 22 ~ Six Flags

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Today Tilly and I are going to six flags. We are gonna meet up with Romeo, Cruz and Fin. I got up and got dressed into this bikini:

I through one of Romeos shirts and a pair of short denim shorts over it

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I through one of Romeos shirts and a pair of short denim shorts over it. I put on a pair of Adidas sneakers and put my hair in a high messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom and flopped on Tillys bed while she went in and got ready for the day. While she was getting ready I decided to text Romeo.

Hey Ro

Hey y/n/n, how are you?

I'm good, u?

I'm good thxs, wassup

I'm bored that's all 😂 also what time do you and the guys wanna meet up at six flags?

Haha ok and how bout 10?

Sure, Tillys back now see you then. Love you Xx

😂 ok and see you then as well. Love you more Xx

I sat up as Tilly walked in the room. "What time are we gonna meet the guys there?" Tilly said. "Romeo said about 10" I said. "Cool, well it's 8:45 now, wanna get some breakfast and watch netflix?" Tilly said. "Yup" I said as I got up off her bed and we walked down stairs. Tilly walked into the kitchen and started cooking pancakes while I sat at the counter. "So when does the episode we filmed yesterday air??" I said. "It goes up on Thursday" tilly said sounding really excited. "Cool" I said as I went on instagram. 10 minutes later a plate of pancakes was placed in front of me. "Thanks" I said as I got up and followed Tilly to the couch. "What do you wanna watch" She asked me. "I don't really care, whatever you feel like" I said taking a bite of my food. "How about we watch an episode of want a Santa Clarita diet?" Tilly said. "Okay" I said. We ate our breakfast and watched about 2 episodes and then it was time to leave.

Time skip car ride

We arrived at six flags and Romeo, Fin and Cruz were out the front. I got out of he car and ran to Romeo as if I hadn't seen him in 20 years. "Romeoooo" I said as I jumped in his arms. "Hi y/n/n " he said laughing and then kissing my lips. "Hi" I said giving him a cheeky smile. "Hi" I said going and giving Cruz and Fin a hug as Tilly came up to us. "You guys ready to head in?" Tilly asked us all. We all responded with a yup or a yes and started heading inside. Romeo interlocked his fingers with mine as we entered six flags. We walked around for a bit before deciding to go on some of the rides. The first ride we went on was the Tatsu ride. We all had a blast on it. We then moved onto the Full throttle ride. It was so much fun. After about 3 hours or so of going on most of the rides we decided to each a late lunch. We went to the cafe and all got food from there and then we sat at a table to eat. After we ate we all went on the rides again I decided to post on Instagram before we all head home and have a late movie marathon night.

Liked by @romeobeckham , @cruzbeckham and 190,978 others@y/n

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Liked by @romeobeckham , @cruzbeckham and 190,978 others
@y/n.y/l/n.14 🌹✌Bittersweet✌🌹

Tagged: @romeobeckham @cruzbeckham @tillyramsey @fin_isted

@romeobeckham oof 😍❤
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @romeobeckham❤❤
@cruzbeckham good day with you guys 💕💕
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @cruzbeckham even better day with you
@tillyramsey favourite girly 💕💕
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @tillyramsey💕💕
@fin_isted Damn I'm friends with these supermodels ❤
@y/n.y/l/n.14 @fin_isted oof what supermodels 😂❤

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Hey guys I'm so sorry for the super short chapter the next chapter will be out on the 12th of April. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now