40 ~ Leaving

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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my face through the curtains in Cruzs room. I grabbed my phone and saw it was 6:00 am. I snuck next door to grab a pair of leggings, a tank top and a pair of sneaker before coming back next door. I grabbed on of Cruzs hoodies before showering and changing. I then came back our and checked the time. It was now 6:25 so I decided to get Cruz and Robert up. The Beckham's and My family are all going back to London today while Robert, Bindi and Terri are going back to the Zoo with Millie. I started making breakfast as Cruz came back out of the bathroom and started helping me. I looked over at him through the corner of my eye noticing his bruises were worse. "Look here" I said as I cupped his face lightly before getting him to look at me. "You poor thing" I said as I made him go and sit down. I handed him another ice before giving him and Robert some breakfast. After we all ate we packed up and met up with the other to go to the airport. Terri, Robert, Bindi and Millie are all going to drive straight back while we go to the airport. We all met in the lobby and said our goodbyes to the Irwins before leaving for the airport.

Time skip to when you leave for the airport

As I stepped out of the Car I noticed a bunch of paparazzi taking photos and screaming at us all. I started to feel my breathing hitch as they started getting closer and closer to me. Suddenly Cruz came up and grabbed my hand helping me to get through them all. "Thank you" I said as we got inside and security kept them all out. "Anytime princess" Cruz said as we put our bags onto the luggage thing. We got on the plane and headed back to London.

Time skip to when you arrived in London.

We all got off the plane and started to walk through the airport. Romeo must have been crying on the plane because his eyes were red and puffy plus he kept wiping his face. Paparazzi started closing in on us asking if Romeo and I had broken up. After 20 minutes of trying to push through them, we finally made it to the car. "Do you think Romeos ok?" I whispered to Cruz. "Yeah he will be okay" Cruz whispered back. The rest of the drive home was silent. Once we arrived back at the Beckham's we all grabbed our stuff and went home. I showered and went to bed immediately because all of my energy had been drained recently.

I fell asleep for a while before I woke up. I played there tossing and turning before I decided to check my phone. I saw that it was currently 2 in the morning when I turned my phone on. I had a bunch of notifications on instagram, mostly from Millies fans accounts who were tagging me in a bunch of posts. I decided to see what they were tagging me so I checked the first account that popped up on my screen. The account was called @milliexslays. I opened the picture they tagged me in and saw it was a screenshot of Millies story.
(This was the post⬇️)

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@milliexslays Ugh!!! This was definatley aimed at Y/n. She is such a whore, like I don't even know why Romeo would even get with that. Millie and him definatley deserve each other👏
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I felt a tear roll down the side of my face before I decided to go and checks Millies account to see if what she said was true. It was. I cried for a solid hour before I decided to get over it and realise how irrelevant Millie is to me at the moment. I rolled over and fell asleep trying to forget about what has just happened.

Hey guys sorry for the kinda short chapter but anyways next chapter will be out on the 22nd of June xx

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