Part 2

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I said a quick hi to all of them except for Millie and then returned back to Finn...

"Hey sorry that took so long, Victoria had to confirm something about the photos and Film with me" I said lying to Finn and sitting down next to him. "Its all good" he said. I handed him the bottle and then the show started. After the some of the people working for Burberry did their speeches and they played the film, it was time for the massive photo reveal. "3...2...1" Everyone screamed as two massive sheets dropped off the two big copies of the magazine covers. My mouth dropped as I heard a bunch of whistles from older men. "I am so sorry" Finn said as he put a hand on my shoulder. I felt tears start to brim in my eyes as I bolted towards the bathroom. I placed my hands above my head and paced back and forth struggling to breathe. "No, no, no, no, NO!!! This can't be real" I said still struggling to breathe. "Hey hunny, calm down" Victoria said gushing into the bathroom. After a few minutes I started to be able to breathe again. Victoria gave me the biggest hug as I stood there and cried into her shoulder for a few moments. "I am going to get some lawyers in and the will fix this, I promise. Beth and most of the people working for Burberry are pissed. They will fix this" she said calming me down. "Its just that picture makes me look like a..." I said as I got quiet. "Trust me no one else will see the picture, let's just go back out there and then we can leave in a bit ok" she said as she linked her arm up with mine, cleaned me up and brought me out of the bathroom with her. We walked out and saw a massive commotion in the middle of the room. People were surrounding two people and yelling at them to either stop or fight. I pushed my way through the crowd and saw Finn and Romeo in the middle of the circle. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT SHE DUMPED YOUR ASS AND STARTED DATING ME. YOU TREATED HER LIKE SHIT" Finn yelled at Romeo shoving him hard. "WE ONLY BROKE UP BECAUSE MILLIE GOT INVOLVED AND RUINED OUR RELATIONSHIP" Romeo yelled back shoving Finn even harder. "ALL YOU WERE TO Y/N WAS HER LITTLE BOY TOY" Finn yelled making Romeo punch him across the face. "Guys stop" I screamed as security guards pulled me back out of the way. Romeo and Finn were hitting, punching and throwing eachother all over the place. By the time the security guards got them to break the fight up Finn had a bloody nose and a black eye. After Finn got checked by the nurse I dropped him back at the hotel and went straight to the Beckham's.

I pulled into the Beckham's drive way and walked straight up to their front door. I grabbed the spare key Victoria gave me a while ago and opened the door. I ran inside locking the door behind me and sprinted up to Romeos room. "Romeo, Romeo, are you in there? Open up please it's me" I said banging on his door urgently. "Yes" Romeo said opening the door looking as horrible then ever. "Romeo" I said as I jumped onto him wrapping my arms around his neck. "I am so sorry that happend" I whispered into his ear. After a few seconds of me hugging Romeo I felt him pick me up and shut the door. As Romeos arms were wrapped around my waist, I felt him carry me to his bed and laid down with me still in his arms. It felt like heaven, I had missed his hugs so much. After a few minutes of silence Romeo whispered back in my ear "it's not your fault you know". I didn't say anything I just squeezed him tighter. We lay still next to eachother for what seemed like hours. We both must have fell asleep because before I knew it, it was 3 am. I got up as quietly as possible and put my shoes on. "Hey, don't leave" Romeo said sitting up and running his eyes. "I have too, I will come back tomorrow afternoon after I take Finn to the airport. Okay?" I said standing up and heading over to the window. "Oh y/n one more thing" Romeo said coming over to me. "Yeah" I said in a whisper as Romeo towered above placing one hand on my waist and the other one on the wall. "Just this" Romeo said as he leant in and kissed my lips. The kiss was amazing. I really misses his lips. As kissed for a good 5 minutes before I left out the window and went back home.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 16th of July. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now