28 ~ Emotional?

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I laid aimlessly looking out of my bedroom window from my bed. 'Should I do the campaign?' Was the one question that kept reoccurring in my head. I sighed as I sat up and grabbed my phone. It had been 2 days since I was offered he job. I have locked myself in my room and haven't left since. The only time I came out of my room. Was to restock on fruits and snacks at 2 or 3 in the morning when everyone was asleep. I turned my phone on for the first time in over 48 hours. I had a gazillion notifications popping up.

*152 missed calls from Ro😙⚘😍*

*236 text messages from Ro😙⚘😍*

*67 missed calls from Cruz💪❤*

*103 text messages from Cruz💪❤*

I had over 500 missed calls and 678 messages from my friends. My family constantly came to my door and tried to talk to me. Apparently Romeo and Cruz tried to come over several times. It got to the point where Cruz threw a rock and shattered my window because I wasn't responding to anyone. I felt so empty and blank that I physically couldn't do anything. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I showered and changed into something comfortable before deciding to go for a walk. For some reason the whole house felt...off. It seemed like everyone else knew something that I didn't. I walked straight past the kitchen with out saying a word and out the front door. I put my headphones in and started to walk, I didn't travel anywhere in particular. I just kept walking. Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and pulled my headphones as I saw Cruz standing there puffing. "I'm so sorry, are you okay" he said as he gave me a big hug. "What do you mean, I'm fine" I said as I pulled away. "They didn't tell You?" He said looking confused. "Tell me what?" I said even more confused then he was. "Y/n, you might want to go home" He said. "Oh trust me I am" I said as i sprinted past him back to my house. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I could feel my heart pumping the blood and oxygen to my muscles throughout my body as I raced up my steps and burst through the front door. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING" I yelled startling everyone including the rest of the Beckham's who were in my living room. "What do you mean sweetheart" mum said with a sad smile as she came and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, directing me towards the couch. "What do you mean, what do you mean. You aren't telling me something and I just found out the mat you aren't" I said getting annoyed at them. "There is nothing to tell you sweetheart" Dad said. "Ok there is because Cruz just ran up to me and apologized and also quit calling me sweetheart" I said standing straight back up after mum made me sit down. "There isn't, I promise" Mum said. "Grandmas dead" Poppy screamed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What" I said as I felt my heart drop. "We are sorry you had to find out like that, but-" "but what, you weren't gonna tell me were you?" I said as I cut mum off and felt tears brim my eyes. "We were going to tell You, just not now" she said. "Ugh" I said as I ran upstairs and started packing a suitcase. "Hey, are you ok" Romeo said as he knocked on my door lightly. "Oh yeah Romeo, I'm great! I'm sooo happy" I did sarcastically as tears spilled down my cheeks. "I'm sorry" he said as he turned me towards him and pulled me into his chest. His hugs are so warm and comforting, they make me feel the safest and most loved ever. I was really close with my grandma. We were practically bffs, she was always there for me no matter what. Through the thick and thin I always knew I could rely on her. "I am going to do the campaign" I said looking up at him trying to smile at him. "That's great" he said as he kissed my lips. "I missed your kisses so much" I said as we pulled away. "Oh I missed your more" he said as he pushed me on the bed and started kissing me again.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 7th of March.

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now