Chapter 25 ~ Part 2

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The uber driver picked us up and we started heading back to the hotel....

"Calm down" Romeo said to me as he pulled me into his chest. "What are they gonna say or do to us Ro" I said looking up at him. "Relax, they can't do anything to us. Plus all they will probably do is give us a lecture on responsibility" Romeo said reassuring me. "Ok, but still...victoria is scary af when she is angry" I said quite nervous. "It will be fine, she won't get that mad at you, it will probably just be me. Just let me handle this, okay?" Romeo said. "Ok" I said cuddling into him.

Time skip to when they arrived at the apartments

"Thank you" I said to the uber driver as Romeo and I got out of the car. Romeo tipped the driver and we started heading inside. "Hi, where are they" Romeo whispered to Cruz as we both entered our room. Cruz just looked and pointed towards the living room. Romeo and I looked at each other, then I nodded and we walked into the room. "Hi guys, can you both please have a seat" David said looking kind of scared. "You know I can't believe them" Victoria said sounding cross while storming back out of our bathroom. "Well, well, look who finally decided to show up" Victoria said angrily.

It was silent for 5 minutes before I decided to speak up. "I'm sorry" I said feeling really bad. "Mum I can explain, but you have to leave Y/n put of this" Romeo said jumping up. "Mhm, fine then explain" Victoria said. "Ok so I wanted to take Y/n on a suprise date and I have spent so much time trying to figure out where to take her and when, that I forgot to tell you and dad what I was going to do. I know it was a very irresponsible thing to do and I'm am extremely sorry for doing it. I just wanted to do something nice for y/n" Romeo said looking at them. "Ok, but I just don't understand how you for get to tell me that you are going to wake up early on a Saturday morning, call an uber and take Y/n to a strawberry field outside of Los Angeles" Victoria said sounding annoyed. "I'm really sorry mum, I promise I will tell you next time" Romeo said. "Just go to Brooklyn's room, y/n please stay here for 5 minutes" Victoria said still pacing with her hand on her head. Romeo stood up and came over too me to kids me on the head before he went next door. David had got up and walked to the kitchen as Victoria came over and sat next to me. "Now sweetheart, I'm not mad at you. I know you had no idea about what Romeo had planned to do and I'm sorry you had to sit through that" she said sympathetically. "No it's Ok" I said smiling at her to try and make her feel a little better. "Do you want to have a girls afternoon with me?" Victoria said. "Ok I'm down" I said as we both got up and left the building. Victoria and I walked to get coffees from some little coffee shop. Then we went to get our nails and a massage done. "How was the date this morning" Victoria said to me as we laid on the massage benches. "It was amazing, Romeo is such a sweet boy" I said looking over and smiling at her. "I know, he is so much like his father" she said smiling to her self. "But with his mother's looks" I added in gaining a giggle from her. "So what happened" she said. "Well he woke me up at 5:30 Then took me to this strawberry field, as you already know now. We picked strawberries and he made us both food. We had a lot of fun" I said smiling at her. "That's so cute" she said sounding really happy. "Your still not that mad at him anymore right?" I said sitting up looking at her. "Yeah, I guess I forgive him" she said also sitting up. After the massage we went and got afternoon tea and then headed home.

Liked by @romeobeckham and 3,678,970 others
@victoriabeckham Good afternoon with this gorgeous girl Xx also @romeobeckham I think I'm gonna keep your girlfriend. 😂❤
Tagged: @y/n.y/l/n.14

@y/n.y/l/n.14 Naw😙 also @romeobeckham I think I'm gonna keep your momma
@romeobeckham @y/n.y/l/n.14 oof ok then 💀
@romeobeckham Ouu that girl is so freaking cute!!!😍😍
@cruzbeckham haha mum you just exposed their relationship 😂😂
@fin_isted you two girls left us stuck with Romeo 😤
@romeobeckham @fin_isted oi I'm not that bad!!!

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Hey guys next chapter coming on the 24th of April. It is Easter Sunday for me tomorrow, so if it Is for you too, Happy Easter. If you guys have any ideas for new chapters feel free to pm me bc tbh I'm kinda running low on them rn 😂. Xx

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