39 ~ Part 2

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Romeos Pov
I ran as fast as I could to the hotel to tell Y/n what had happened between Millie and I. I ignored the elevator and ran straight up the stairs. I ran into Brooklyn's room first to see if he had seen Y/n. I then went to Tyler's room, I knocked on the door waiting anxiously for him to answer. "Hey" he said as he opened the door. "Hi, have you seen Y/n?" I said as I looked over his shoulder to try and see if she was there. "No, she went to the mall for coffee with your mum this morning why?" Tyler said leaning against the frame of the hotel door. "Oh no reason" I said as I felt my heart speed up. I then sprinted to the room that I was sharing with Cruz to see if he knew. I knocked on the door but there was no response so I unlocked the door and swung it open. As u swung it open I saw Cruz ontop of Y/n laying on the couch and they were making out. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS" I yelled making Y/n shove Cruz off of her. "Romeo I can explain" she said as she ran up to me. She looked heart broken and guilty, I just brushed that off and stormed up to Cruz. "WHAT THE HELL YOUR MY BROTHER" I yelled at him before shoving him. "Romeo calm down it wasn't like that" Cruz said as he stepped back a bit. I continued to push him and yell at him before suddenly I snapped and started hitting him. "ROMEO STOP" Y/n screamed as I kept hitting Cruz.

Y/n Pov
"ROMEO STOP" I screamed as he kept hitting Cruz. "ROMEO....please" I said as I grabbed him. I felt tears start to fall down my face as Romeo stopped hitting him. "Why, would you do this" Romeo said through gritted teeth. I started to back up as he walked towards me before I answered. "I didn't mean it" I said as my voice shook like crazy. I kept walked back until my back hit the side of the kitchen wall. "HE IS MY BROTHER, WHY" Romeo screamed at me as I squeezed my eyes shut, scared of what was going to happen next. "I was angry at you because you kissed Millie" I said really fast. ROMEO then raised his hand in the air ready to slap me before he lowered it then looked down. It was getting harder and harder to breathe as Romeo stayed still I'm infront of me. "I'm Sorry, but that isn't what happened. I didn't kiss her" Romeo said as he stepped back. "Yes, you did. I saw you with my own two eyes" I said shocked at the fact he was lying straight to my face about it. "No, she forced me to kiss her... you know what forget it" Romeo said. "It's over Romeo, it's obvious you don't care about me or our relationship anymore so I think we need to break up" I said as I moved away from him. "What! No, I love you!" Romeo said "I don't want to hear it Romeo, leave...now" I said as I walked him to the door and shut it behind him. "Cruz" I said loudly before running over to him. "Are you ok" I said as I crouched down beside him and helped him sit up a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine" He said as he held his head. I helped him up and walked him to the couch. "Hold tight, okay?" I said as went and got an ice pack for him and called Tyler.

Phone call with Tyler

Tyler: Hey, what's up?
Y/n: Can you come to Cruzs room real quick? it's kind of urgent
Tyler: Yeah, why? What happened?
Y/n: you will see when you get here
Tyler: okay on my way now, bye
Y/n: bye

As I hung up the phone I walked over to Cruz and sat down next to him. "God, why am I such a screw up" I mumbled flopping backwards on the couch. "No your not" Cruz said as he probably understood me. "Yes I am. I just ruined my realtionship with my boyfriend. I then ended having him fight you, probably ruining the relationship you both had. Robert is probably sick of my bull shit and you probably hate my guts" I said as a tear fell form my eye. "No your not a screw up, yes your relationship ended with Romeo but he was also a major part of why it ended. You didn't stuff up our relationship, we have been fighting about you since the day you started dating him because your my bestfriend and I want whats best for you. Plus Robert isn't sick of you, he adores you and how could I ever hate you? It doesn't matter what you did, we all make mistakes. Its okay, okay?" Cruz said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I kissed you" I said looking down. "Don't be it was great" Cruz said jokingly. I just laughed and hugged him. Suddenly the door swung open once again. "Holy shit what happend to you" Tyler said running up to Cruz and looking at his face. Cruz had a busted lip, black eye and multiple bruises on his arms and ribs. "Don't worry about, do you know how to fix it?" Cruz said not wanting to go into detail as to why he was in this state. "Go for a shower and clean you lip up, then your just going to have to get a good night rest and keep icing those bruises" Tyler said as he sat down on the couch. I got up and helped Cruz get to the bathroom, I then went and grabbed him some clothes and a towel before heading back to sit on the couch. "What happened" Tyler said in a whisper voice. "Romeo beat him up" I said as I started making Cruz some dinner. "Why Tyler" said as he started helping me. "Well I saw Romeo kiss Millie at the mall and then I got really upset and kissed Cruz because I didn't know what to do. As Cruz and I were about to stop, Romeo burst through the door and started hitting Cruz and screaming at me. Which is why we are no longer together" I said simply as I put Cruzs food in the oven. "Why didn't you come to me" Their said sounding disappointed. "Because..." I said as Cruz limped out. "Go sit on the bed and I'll bring you dinner" I said to Cruz as he nodded. "Don't worry about it anymore" I mumbled to Tyler as I walked past him and gave Cruz his dinner.

After Tyler left, Romeo had moved into Brooklyns Room and Cruz and I watched Netflix until we both fell asleep so we could leave the next morning.

Hey guys I'm running our of ideas, please feel free to comment or pm me what you want to see in upcoming chapters. Also the next chapter is coming on the 18th of June 2019. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now