43 ~ Suprise

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Time skip to 4 weeks later

*Beep - Beep - Beep - Beep*

I rolled over and pushed my alarm off of the counter onto the floor. I groaned as I got up and went to the bathroom. After I showered and got ready I came out of the bathroom and grabbed my suitcase. I was going to the US for 2 weeks to suprise Finn. His band just finished his massive tour and I wanted to go see him. Finn and I have become really close lately. I haven't seen Romeo in ages either, I hope he's Ok. After I took my suitcase down stairs I ate some breakfast, through on some shoes and headed to the airport in an uber. It was about 8:30 am by the time I arrived at the airport. My flight left at 9 so I took my bags through baggage check and boarded the plane.

Time skip to when you arrive in Los Angeles

Once I landed I called Nick, Finns older brother. He knew I was going to come here to suprise Finn.

(Phone call with Nick)
Nick: Hello
Y/n: Hey, I just arrived. I'm going to drop my stuff off at the airport. Then I'll come see Finn
Nick: Okie dokes, I'll come pick you up from the hotel.
Y/n: Okay, got to go my uber here
Nick: K bye y/n/n
Y/n: Bye Nick

I hung up the phone with Nick and put my stuff in the back of the Uber. I quickly sent Nick the address of the hotel before we started driving. As we drove to the hotel the lady driving suddenly asked me " Are you the actual Y/n Y/l/n? The gorgeous model who dated Romeo Beckham?". " Yeah why?" I said laughing at her as she looked at me in disbelief. "No way, My sister is like a massive fan of you" she said smiling. "It is me see" I said laughing and showing her photos of Romeo and I. "Omg can we please get a picture together before you leave" she asked as we arrived at the hotel. "Ofcourse" I said as I got out and asked a girl who was around my age to take the picture for us both. After we took the picture I thanked the girl and the driver then went inside. I out my stuff away in the hotel when Nick texted me to let me know that he was here. I grabbed my phone and my purse then headed out the front door of my room and went down to the lobby.

"Wassup" Nick said in a stupid voice as he approached me. "Wassup" I said repeating back and copying the way he was walking towards me. I gave him a hug before we left to go see Finn. We got in the car and started heading towards Finns apartment. "How has London been" Nick said as he stopped at the red lights. "Pretty good, just cold and we have been gettign a bit more rain than usual" I said chuckling. "What about LA?" I said to Nick as the light turned green. "Yeah, it's been pretty good. How have you been since you and Romeo split?" He said as he got a look of sympathy on his face. "Yeah....I have been getting there. It's hard but I'm getting there. I haven't seen him in ages and I barely see Cruz anymore, I do see Victoria all the time but still" I said as I looked down at my lap. "Sorry if I upset you" he said with the sound of worry and concern in his voice. "It's all good, we were together in the past. I now need to just move on with my life" I said as we arrived at the apartment block. Nick nodded as we got out of the car. "Oh Yeah, just a heads up Finn has some friends over at the moment. I couldn't tell him the he couldn't have friends over because he's almost seventeen plus that would have given the suprise away, but I think you will get along with them all really well" Nick said sped talking. "Haha it's okay" I said laughing at Nick. "Okay, I'll sneak you in and then you jump scare Finn" Nick said as he unlocked the door quietly. I just nodded and slipped my shoes off so I could be a bit quieter. I snuck in behind Nick and saw Finn with a bunch of other people in the living room chatting. Finns back was towards us all and Nick signalled the rest of people to keep going with their conversation and not saying anything. I walked over to Finn and saw he was talking about the tour. "I loved it, it was amazing" He said as I tested my arm on his shoulder. "Yeah it was" I said as I turned to face Finn. "Y/N" Finn yelled as he picked me up and spun me around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his torso as he hugged me tightly. "Hey" I whispered as I buried my face into his neck. "Hey" he whispered as he gave me a quick kiss on my neck. Finn put me down as we hugged one last time before turnignback to his friends. All the boys that were there were smirking at eachother whereas the girl was sitting there smiling at us both. "Guys this is Y/n, Y/n this is Jack, Wyatt, Jaeden, Chosen, Jeremey and Sophia" Finn said as he pointed to each person. "Hi, lovely to meet you all" I said as I scanned all of their faces one again. They all said hi and properly introduced themselves to me. "So how did you and frogface over there meet?" Jack said jointly calling Finn that name. "We met at a photoshot a few months ago, what about you guys? How did y'all meet Finn?" I said as I looked around the room. "We were all in the same movie in 2017 and now we be in the second movie together this year" Wyatt said speaking up for everyone as they all nodded their hands and agreed with him. I hung out with the It cast for a while before we all decided to go get dinner out at In and Out.

Time skip to after dinner

We all started walking back to the apartment complex until it starred raining. We all split up into small groups of two. It was Jack and Chosen, Jaeden and Jeremey, Wyatt and Sophia and then Finn and I. We walked quickly stopping under each building for a quick break from the rain. We all kept walking this way until we an alley way. The others ran ahead as Finn and I hung back. As we the others disappeared around the corner a motor bike came speeding down the alley way almost hitting Finn and I. As the bike was about to hit me Finn grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in close to the wall. He was standing above me slightly with one hand on the wall above my head and the other placed on my arm. We stared into each others eyes as the rain softly came through the cracks of the roof in the alley way. The way the drops of rain fell downs Finns face from his hair made me feel as if I was in some romance movie. We had our eyes locked for a solid ten minutes before I saw Finn start to lean in. As he leant in I felt myself start to lean in, Finns hand moved down to my waist as my hand went onto his chest as we kissed. As our lips touched I didn't really feel anything, it just felt plain. "Woah" Finn mumbled as we pulled apart. "Yeah" I said trying not to be awkward. "Um Y/n... Can I ask you something" Finn said as he placed his hand on the back of his neck. "Yeah ofcourse" I said knowing what he was going to ask. "Will you go out with me?" He said as he looked at his feet. "Yeah" I said smiling at him while regretting what I had just said . "Really?" He said looking surprised as I just nodded at him to stop things from becoming akward. "Cool - Guys come on" Sophia yelled out as Finn started talking to me. We ran and eventually caught up to them in time to walk back in to the apartment block together.

Hey guys next chapter will be out on the 4th of July. I have received some messages and comments asking if Y/n and Romeo are officially done. They are not, but they are for now if that makes sense. Xx

My Best friends brother ~ Romeo Beckham Where stories live. Discover now