Chapter 27 ~ Modeling

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"Yes, of course all three with us will meet with you at your office.....mhm.....What time....okay...see you then...Thank you bye" Victoria said as she hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked out of curiosity. "Her name is Beth, she is one of the directors for burberry" Victoria answered smiling and sitting in the kitchen stool next to me. "Oh cool, what does she want?" I said. "She was wondering if you Romeo and I would like to meet with her this afternoon to discuss something with her" Victoria said. " Ok cool" I said. I finished eating lunch and then went upstairs to get dressed in decent clothes.

I put on a white sleeveless top, denim shorts, a Gucci belt and necklace and a pair of Adidas sneakers. I left my hair out and straightened it. I did a little bit of make up and sprayed on some perfume. I walked down stairs and sat in the couch while waiting for Romeo to come down stairs. "Hey y/n/n" Romeo said as he kissed my temple and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey" I said as I cuddled into his chest. "How was tennis training?" I said looking at him. "Pretty good" He said smiling back at me.

Time skip to when to arrive at the mall

We pulled up in front of the glass doors in the basement parking lot of the mall. As Romeo, Victoria and I stepped out of the car paparazzi started taking pictures of us and fans started screaming like crazy. Questions were being screamed at us from left and right, while the flashes blinded my eyes. We got safely inside the building where security had locked the paparazzi out. We started walking into one ofnthe main offices at Burberry where we were greeted by a very friendly face. She was quite tall, with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was very tan and had little freckles dashed across the top if her nose and cheeks. She was wearing a white top that was covered with a navy blue jacket and skirt, she also had silver earrings, black stilettos and looked very professional. "Hi, I'm Beth adn you guys must be Romeo and y/n" she said giving Romeo and I a warm smile. "Yes and hi" I said shaking her hand. "How are you both" she said to Romeo and I as Victoria left to talk to someone else. "I'm good thanks" Romeo said as Beth turned to look at me. "I'm good as well, what about you?" I said as we entered the office and sat on the chairs in front of her desk. "I'm good thanks, now you are probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you both" She said as she grabbed some papers from a draw in her desk. Romeo and I looked at eachother before nodding our heads. "So Burberry has a massive summer campaign coming up, and we were wondering if you both would be down to star in it" she said smiling at us. Romeo and I looked at eachother before I spoke up. "So what is the story behind this campaign and why do you want us to star in it?" I said. "Well this is a summer love story and we want the audience yo feel the connection and emotion in the ad, not only this we want them to be able to feel or see the chemistry the characters have with eachother and I think you guys have the chemistry together that we are looking for" Beth said. "I'm in" Romeo said looking between Beth and myself. "Well y/n What about you?" Beth said. "Umm...I'll think about it, how long does the shoot go for?" I said. " Ok and we will shoot for 3 months" she said. "Umm ok thank you but I will text you to let you know later if that's ok with you" I said to her as I saw the expression on Romeos face change. " Okay, here is my contact details, let me know when you have come down to your final decision" She said as Romeo and I got up to leave. Romeo and I left the room and met up with Victoria. "How did it go guys" Victoria said to Romeo and I. "Fine" Romeo said as he stormed passed the both of us and out the front of the building. "What happened" Victoria said. "I didn't say yes to doing the campaign that second so Romeo is mad" I said. "Oh I'm sorry" she said as we got to the car. "It's fine, it's not your fault anyways" I said as we got inside. It was an awkward silence in the car the whole way home. When we finally arrived home Romeo went straight over to Monty's house while I went into Cruzs room. "Hey" he said looking up from his Xbox as I walked into the room. "Hey" I said as I walked over and bellyflopped on his bed. "What's wrong?" He said noticing something was up. "Its Nothing" I said rolling over onto my back. Cruz turned his Xbox off and got up and came over to me. "What happened at that meeting?" He said. "Well burberry asked Romeo and I to be the main characters in their next campaign and Romeo said yes immediately where as I had asked if I could think about it. Now Romeo is mad at me for no reason" I said sighing. "I think he's just upset because he wants to do this with you, but think about it still because the decision is up to you and it will really show whether you want to do it or not when the have filmed it" he said. "Thanks Cruz, I needed that" I said as I gave him a hug. "Anytime, now wanna here ths new song I have been working on?" he said grabbing his guitar. "Of course" I said taking my mind off of the campaign.

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 3rd of May. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter also any suggestions for what upcoming chapters could be about feel free to pm me or comment. Xx

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