38 ~ Millie Strikes Again

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Y/n Pov.
I woke up the next day not feeling as if I was in a lot of pain from the accident. I rolled over and grabbed my phone to see a text from Victoria.

Mumma V💅😘❤
Hey Y/n/n, if your up for it, do you want to come shopping and then grab a coffee and some morning tea at the mall with me this morning? Just us two so we can have a bit of a girls day and can catch up Xx

Hey V, and of course I really want to talk with you. What time? Xx

Mumma V💅😘❤
Be ready by 9:45 am, we will leave at 10:00. Xx

Okay, see you then Xx

I got up and went to the cupboard so I could get dressed. I grabbed my white tank top that had a butterfly embroidered into it, my short ripped denim shorts black belt, choker and leather boots. I got dressed and then put my hair up in half up half down ponytail. I then did a natural makeup look and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I had a bowl of cereal and watched a movie while waiting for Victoria. About an hour later Victoria knocked on my door letting me know that we were about to leave. I grabbed my phone and purse then headed out of the hotel room and downstairs to the car. Victoria and I listened to music in the car the whole way to the mall. Once we arrived we started walking around through the shops. The first store we went into was Gucci. We started looking at the handbags and belts before moving onto the jackets. While in Gucci I bought Cruz a new sweater and I got a necklace. When then went to LV I saw Victoria eyeing a dress, she then picked it up and walked over to me. "Y/n, go try this on" She said as she handed me the dress. I walked into the changing rooms and got dressed, the dress was gorgeous. I admired the dress in the mirror before waking out of the dressing room to see Victoria. "Omg that looks so good on you!!" She gushed as she grabbed my hand and twirled me around in a circle. "Thank you" I said giggling at her reaction. After we bought the dress we walked around for a little while longer before heading to the cafe to get some morning tea and coffee. We both sat down and ordered our food. "So how are you and Romeo going sweetheart. I've noticed you guys have drifted apart lately" she said sympathetically. "We aren't doing to great, he has gotten angry at me twice in less than two weeks and other than those two times he yelled at me, we haven't spoken a word to eachother" I said as I took a sip of my iced coffee. " When and why has he gotten angry at you dear?" She said as she took a bite of her food. "Well I guess we both got jealous of each other. I see why he got mad at me the first time, I was spending so much time with Robert. But he was also spending a lot of time with Millie. Then the second time was the other night, I saw Millie try to kiss Romeo on the cheek while acting like she was his girlfriend and I guess I just snapped. That is what Millie and I were fighting over before Romeo jumped in the middle and yelled at me to get lost. After he did that I ran off and got hit by that car. But it isn't his fault, we both did wrong. I guess I'm just scared of losing him because he is very attractive and Millie is also a triple threat, she's pretty, famous and smart" I said as I watched Victoria's facial expression repeatedly changing from worried to sad to her nodding her head then to her being angry. "Well Y/n/n You know you can always talk to me. But trust me I know my son doesn't like Millie that way because he told David the other night that he was scared of losing you because he really loves you so you dont need to worry, okay?" She said smiling. "Okay" I said as I looked out the window of the cafe in the mall. As I looked outside I saw Romeo and Millie walking hand in hand, smiling and laughing with each other. I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach, like something bad was going to happen. I wanted to look away so bad but I just couldn't, so I kept watching them. Then Millie and Romeo sat on a bench. I watched as they sat there talking to eachother, I looked away for a split second then turned back to them to see them practically sucking each others faces off. I felt a hot tear fall down my face as victoria saw me and asked what was wrong. With our answering her I got up and started sprinting out of the mall. I kept running and running until I reached a bus stop.

Romeos Pov.
"That movie was so funny" Millie said as she grabbed onto my arm. "Yes it was" I said as I let her be and just laughed with her. "So what are you doing after this?" Millie said as we started heading towards the centre of the mall. "Nothing much I dont think, probably just trying to fix things with Cruz" I said as we sat down on the bench near the water fountain. "Awe, what are you guys fighting about?" Millie said as she moved to sit near the front of the bench. "Just Y/n, he got mad at me over the situation with her that's all" I said as I looked at her. "Ugh, she's a complete bitch to be honest. Don't worry about her. All she is doing is turning people against eachother at the moment. Like seriously, she went and jumped in front of a car for your attention" Millie said sounding annoyed that I brought Y/n up. "Ok stop, she isn't a bitch, she is my girlfriend. She isn't turning anyone against eachother a d she didn't jump in front of the car. The driver was drunk and if she wanted my attention all she had to do was talk to me because I love her and would give her all the attention in the world if I could" I said standing up to Mille for the first time. "Ugh, but look at what she did to you and Cruz" Millie said rolling her eyes. "Yes me and Cruz are arguing over Y/n but it isn't her fault Cruz and I just don't agree on something that is going on right now. Plus it's none of your business" I said getting ready to stand up and leave Millie. This whole trip all she has done is made up stuff about Y/n, saying she is cheating on me and putting her down, I when had enough. As I went to stand up, Millie straddled my lap and held my head forcing me to kiss her. I squirmed trying to get out of it and move but I couldn't. I finally broke out of it shoving Millie off of me. "What the hell" I said as I wiped my lips. "What?" She said looking at me as if I was stupid. "What part of I have a girlfriend do you not understand, what you just did was disgusting. Just leave me alone" I said as I stormed out of the mall.

Y/n Pov.
I felt tear after tear fall down my face as I got on the bus and went back to the hotel. Once I arrived back at the hotel, I ran inside and went straight up Cruzs' room. I walked in and found Cruz sitting on the couch. "Hey Y/n/n" He said as he took his eyes off the TV for a split second. "What's wrong" he said standing up. With out saying anything I walked straight up to him, cupping his face and kissed him. Seconds later he started to kiss me back. He spun me around and pushed me onto the couch softly before continuing to kiss me. I started to realise what I was doing was completely wrong as he went down and started kissing my neck. Seconds later the hotel door burst open...

Hey guys next chapter coming on the 14th of June Xx.

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