part 5 | you need to leave. now

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jungkook did had he was told, he knows when he needs to listen to taehyung and this was definitely one of those times. he then sat down next to him on the dark black leather couch in taehyung's large room.

silence filled the room for at least 6 minutes. those six minutes felt like two hours to jungkook. his eyes wondered around the room until they met taehyung again. he looked at him up and down and stared at his side profile. jungkook couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful taehyung was. he stared into taehyung's eyes, without himself noticing.

*taehyungs eyes were soft and looked tired and lonely but with a hint of anger and disappointment in them*

jungkook looked down at himself he began to think about what he had done. every time jimin had ever touched him or complimented how he looked flashed past his mind. he felt disgusted in himself. how could he make taehyung feel this way. he loved him. he was taehyung's baby he couldn't hurt him like this any longer.

jungkook moved his hand on top of taehyung's hand and wrapped his four fingers under taehyung's.

taehyung moved his hand straight away and placed it onto his own thigh. silence filled the room once again.

jungkook sighed as he didn't know what to do next. he thought he would wait to see what was going through taehyung's mind, so he waited patiently while not saying a word.

a tear had been brought to the very bridge of taehyung's eyes. he blinked and they disappeared as he didn't have enough sadness for them to drop against his soft but flushed face.

"how could you" taehyung said softly as he contuined to look at the wall across from him. his eyes hadn't moved from there for the entire time they entered that room. he turned to jungkook. both there soft eyes locked. "how could you do this to me, let him touch you like that"

jungkook didn't answer, he didn't know how to reply. instead he just grabbed taehyung's hand once again. "taehyung" he whispered. "i love you baby"

"i bet you liked it didn't you" taehyung said spitefully has he took his hand away from jungkook's grip.
"no" he replied. "no i didn't" he said forcefully.

a couple minutes had past and not a word was said. "taehyung i-"
taehyung interrupted jungkook.
"you love him don't you?" taehyung said shakily.

"i love you taehyung"

taehyung stood up as his emotions took control of him. "YOU LOVE HIM DON'T YOU JUNGKOOK" taehyung shouted

"i love you taehyung." jungkook said very very firmly while feeling shocked that his love has raised his voice at him.

"don't you dare fucking lie to me jungkook, don't you dare" taehyung said as tried to contain his emotions once again.

"taehyung we are just friends, jimin is like a brother to me. baby please believe me" jungkook said sweetly trying to calm taehyung down. he felt his own self hatred fill inside of him.

"i saw the way you looked at him jungkook" i saw it. "you looked at him the way you used to look at me, instead you barley look at me that way anymore"
he grabbed a bottle of half empty whisky and began pouring himself a drink.

ever since he began to feel any kind of negative emotions he almost always turned to alcohol. it made him feel numb and unimportant. which was better then dealing with his feelings or emotions.

"t-taehyung no, that's not true" kook said with a hint of uncertainty. he was nervous as taehyung had moved away from him.

he was still sitting on the couch as he eyes moved to the trash can right next to his right foot. it contained 3 empty bottles of whisky. "holy shit" jungkook very quietly whispered to himself. those were the bottles the oldest members brought him for his birthday which was only two weeks ago. taehyung must of been drinking. a lot. at least 6 cups. every single night.

jungkook became immediately concerned "taehyung i don't think you should be drinking"

and with that taehyung lost his cool, he turned around and with that the cup of whisky slipped out of his hand and hit the bottom half of his door. "don't you dare fucking tell me what to do right now jungkook" he was furious he couldn't control myself anymore. he was loosing control. he gripped onto the closet near him, trying to stay somewhat cool.

the glass shattered into at least a hundred pieces. the sound of taehyung's anger and the glass was horrific.

the members outside were concerned. "should we go check on them?" hoseok asked. and with that jimin got up and removed himself from the chair and continued to walk to taehyung's room. he knew what he was going to do was wrong but he did not care. he wanted jungkook and he didn't care what it would take.

he made it to the door and knocked. taehyung looked at jungkook as a sign that he was too open it and tell them everything was fine. jungkook opened it and saw jimin. jimin pushes himself into the room. taehyung began to pour himself another cup and did not see who was at the door. he automatically assumed it was joon due to his comments at the table earlier.

jimin grabbed jungkook's face and he instantly tried to get jimin to go, he knew how drastically negative this would be if taehyung saw him.

"hey jungkook come with me now we need to begin the vlive, i don't think you would want to be with this alcoholic anyways" jimin said looking taehyung up and down. his hand was still placed on jungkook face which was moving up to his hair.

instantly as that comment was made by jimin, taehyung turned around. he saw jimin face. his impulse was too strong and he walked towards him pushing jungkook out of the way in the progress. he forcefully grabbed jimin's shirt and pushed his right fist into jimin's jaw. jimin fell to the ground and taehyung's fist moved to his side still clenched.

jimin was not expecting taehyung to do that. it was extremely rare to see taehyung loose his temper and turn to violence. jimin tried to move his jaw as it definitely wasn't a soft hit.

"TAEHYUNG" jungkook screeched in disbelieved, he couldn't believe what just happened. he rushed over to jimin, he picked him up by his arm and pushed jimin out of the room.

"you need to leave jimin. now." jungkook said forcefully. he shut the door and locked the silver lock on the back of the door. he turned around and saw taehyung looking out the window with the glass of whisky once again in his hand after he had put it down before grabbing jimin's shirt.

jungkook carefully moved over to taehyung and softly gripped his shoulder, turning him around. he didn't want to upset taehyung even more so he tired not to be controlling. he couldn't believe what jimin had just did. it was clear to jungkook how taehyung was right. jimin was spiteful and wanted him, for more than friends.

taehyung let jungkook turn him around and they faced each other.

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