Chapter 9

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Thalia's P.O.V

Once I got home, it was complete chaos. Everybody was either eating a snack, playing video games or just goofing around. There is just one problem.

"Alright. Everybody calm the hell down. I need to know where Tameron is. Who knows?"

"Um. I think she said something about going out with her friends after school or something."

"Ok Taylor. Did she say where?"

"I think she did but I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe I will remember, but maybe I won't."

"I am not paying you anything. I am an adult and you will tell me where she is or I will personally see to it that you are grounded for a week and no computer for two weeks. Would you like that or would you rather tell me."

"First off, your not an adult yet. Second, you can't ground me. Your not my mother or my father."

"I am your oldest sister. You should treat me with some respect. And also, mom and dad are never around to know whats going on. I need to be the adult of this house. I need to know where she is, or I will worry like mom does whenever she is around. Do you want that?"

"Fine. Fine. She is at the mall with some seniors. I don't know. They picked her up in a convertible. Sorry to get on your bad side."

"Thank you. I need to go for a bit so you four better not burn the house down. I'll bring home some pizza for you if you don't break anything. I'll see you later."

"Bye. And I promise for all of us that we wont."

I get in my car and start driving towards the mall. All I can think about is what she was thinking.

Why couldn't she have just told me. I can't be out and around looking for her all night. Damn her.

On my way, I see a car pull into a restricted lot. Its not unusual to see that. Who I see is a different story. Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke all get out of the car.

Wonder what their doing?

I get to the mall and walk into see swarms of people here and there. I walk through the crowds, weaving between people. I walk into almost every store looking for her. All I can think about is what punishment will suit best for her.

I get to the last store I can think of and find her nowhere. She is like a ghost that doesn't want to be found.

Damn. Where could she be. That little bitch.

As I start to walking out, I see a high ponytail and a cake face that looks so similar to my sister. To similar.


"Thalia? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same question. I need you at home after school. I need to know where you are at at all times. I can't come out searching for you every night. And watch the language. Just cause I'm your sister doesn't mean you get to talk to me that way."

"Stop acting like my mother. Your nothing like her."

"Ya. I know. At lease I'm responsible enough to care for the five other kids that aren't mine. So I need you to get your ass in my car and come home with me."

"Fuck you. Never. I hate you and you can't keep treating me like your daughter. Your not my mother."

"Well our mother isn't here, now is she. I am and I need you to come home with me."


"Alright then. When you get home, just remember. Your grounded for a month. No friends. No phone. No anything. I'm taking everything away. See you then."

And with that I walked away. No other words. Nothing. At. All.


Thank you to Mellrose0 for the cover art. It looks super cool. I can't make covers for shit so thank you.;)

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