Chapter 3

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An- babe calm down
J- babe?
An- that doesn't matter right now
J- then what does
T- that YOU yelled at rik
S- she hates it bc her dad did all the time to her
J- Ik Ik
C- you better go find her
J- I will I tell you guys how it goes
Squad-good luck. Bye

Jake pov
I went I my locker to see if Erika's bag was in there but I wasn't so I knew she went home I grabbed my bag and went to her house I knocked on the door and no answer I went in my pocket and took out her key and I walked in and went to her room and saw her on her bed in her stomach on her phone I stood in the door way

J- rik

She jumped A- little and looked and me

J- I'm sorry
E- all your gonna say is sorry
J- Erika I'm sorry Ik that you hate being yelled at I just got mad and I will promise to try to do my home work but can you help me

She looked at me and smiles and put her hands out. I smiled and ran to her and jumped into her arms and dug her head in my neck

J- I love you
E- I love you too
J- I have An idea
E- ok?
J- ...

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