Chapter 20

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Erika's POV
That was scary seeing Blake. I haven't seen him in so long. I dated him in like 9th grade and he would just say rude things and sometimes hit me. I then left him after I realized what am I doing with him and then like A- year later I met Jake

Flash back

Jakes POV
I moved from Toronto Canada to come to Ohio for my parents work and I'm going to Ohio high. I'm in 10th grade and tomorrow is my first day of school. It's going to be hard because I'm coming in like the middle of the school year and everyone already has friends.

Next day

Jakes POV
It's the next day and I put in black jeans and A- red shirt and my leather jacket . I'm kinda excited to go to this school because at my old school I was very popular and everyone wanted to get with me because of my looks and stuff. I loved being popular it was just the people there. I head downstairs to see my mom waiting to drive me to school. I tell her I'm ready and I grab my backpack And head in car. We get to school And I get out of the car And I get into the school and I see the most beautiful girl in the world and I smile at her.

Erika's POV
I'm at school and I'm at my locker when I see the doors open and A- blonde hair and hazel eyes and tall and buff kid walk in and as he passes me he smiles. It was the best thing ever.

Jakes POV
I walk into the office and I ask for my schedule she gives it to me and I head out I put A- piece of gum in my mouth And I find my Locker And put something's in there. I close it then I go searching for my first class. School starts in like 2 min and I find it. I sit in the back and A- group of guys approached me

?-hey are you new. I'm kade
J- yeah I'm Jake
K- that's chance and Anthony
C- hey man
An- where did you come from
J- Toronto
C- Canadian I see I like you
J- thanks?
K- can we sit with you
J- yeah

The boys sit together and they ask Jake To talk about him self And Jake tells them about his old school and stuff about him self. The bell rings And the teacher walks in And tell everyone that they have A- new student then he teaches the class while Jake sits there thinking about the girl from earlier

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