Chapter 17

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D- your Jake. Don't you remember
J- no. And where am I. What happened
D- I think your memory will come back. You are in the hospital because you hit your head playing football
J- oh okay will I be okay
D- yes but you get to leave when we figure out out your memory
J- ok thank you

Jake pov
I don't remember anything tbh and I'm very confused.

D- Jake?
J- yea
D- there are people here to see you. Can they come in?
J- I guess

Jakes POV
The doctor left and three people came in one boy was tall light brown hair And the other boy had dark brown hair And there was A- girl with brown hair and green eyes And it looked like she was crying. The girl came up to me and sat on the chair and held my hand

J- And who r you?
E- me?
J- yea
E- Jake
J- no I'm being serious
E- I'm erika
J- and who are you to me?
E- I'm your girlfriend
J- really?
E- yea *frowns*
J- can you guys plz leave I don't know you guys
C- come on erika we will come back later
An- let's give him some time
E- ok I guess
C- bye Jake
E- bye bubba
J- bye?

Erika's POV
I can't believe he doesn't remember. Once we stepped out of his room I started to cry and the boys hugged me and they held my hands A- brought me to the car and drove me home before I got out of the car

C- Erika
E- yea
C- everything will Be okay
An- and trust us on that
E- okay thanks guys.
C- me and Anthony will pick you up in the morning And go see Jake. We will skip the morning An- Danube go back later *smiles*
E- bye guys *smiles*

Erika's POV
I walked in side and went to my room and took A- shower and just went to bed thinking about Jake And what happens if he forgets about us forever

Jakes POV
I was just laying there thinking and I fell asleep. I was dreaming about that Erika girl. It was me asking her to be my girlfriend and my two best friends chance and Anthony being with me when I was 2. I woke up And I turned to my right to see my phone. I picked it up and saw I got A- message from someone named 'Babygirl❤️😍' saying I love you 😘 i then ...

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