Chapter 29

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Erika's POV
Is will he take me back when he comes back. School ended and I went home and laid in Jakes sweater and was thinking when he will come back

Jakes POV
I got back to Ohio And I'm headed to Erika's. I thanked the Uber driver and take my backpack out and walk up to the door. I take A deep breath and knock

Erika's POV
I heard A knock on the door And I walk down stairs and open the door the see Jake standing there with his back facing me and he hears the door open and turns around. We look at each other for A second and Jake smiles at me And I smile at him and run and jump into his arm and start to cry and I'm on Jake with my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck And my head in his neck and I hear Jake slightly crying too and we were there for like 5 min. I get off his waist and look up at him and I go in my toes and kiss him and I was scared he wasn't going to kiss back but he did. He pulled me back And pulled me into A- hug.

J- I missed you erika
E- me too
J- I'm sorry
E- no. I'm sorry I wanted to take the break
J- hey look at me
E- *looks up*
J- I think that was A- good idea and everything you said was right and true And you know I love you
E- I love you too Jake

They kiss And Jake backs away And holds Erika's hand

E- can we go inside?
J- yeah I want to show you what I get everyone
E- *smiles* let's go

Jerika went inside And went into the kitchen Jake picked up Erika and set her down on  the counter And he took off his backpack and set it down on the counter and opened his bag

Jakes POV
I opened my bag and showed Erika what I bought everyone but I didn't show her what I got her I grab hers from my jacket pocket and stood in her legs and I opened the box to see A- neckless with a J on it with diamonds on it. Erika looked at my face and smiled And pecked me on the lips and I pulled it out  and put it on her stood in front of her and I started to kiss her. She pulled off my shirt and then I took off hers and she smiled. I picked her up and brought her upstairs And laid us in the bed with me...

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