Chapter 27

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Erika's POV
I see Jake going for A run. I go past him and I look in my side mirror and I see him looking at me and  stop

Jakes POV
I had to go for A- run. I felt like A dick bc I did that to her. As I'm running I look up and see A- Jeep and I look at the license plat and see its erika and I stop and look at her just drive off. I finish my run and go back home and sit on my bed. I grab my phone and look at it. I decided to text erika

(How they see it on there phones)

Bubba🥰❤️-Erika can we at least talk. I miss you

Babygirl😍❤️- fine what do you want

Bubba🥰❤️- why did you leave

Babygirl😍❤️- I wanted to help you. I wanted to be there for you and you started to raise your voice for no reason

Bubba🥰❤️- Ik and I'm sorry I just didn't want you to not go to school And miss everything because of me and I'm sorry

Babygirl😍❤️- Jake?


Babygirl😍❤️-I think it might be A good idea if we took A break

Bubba🥰❤️- really Erika. You are just going to do that

Babygirl😍❤️- just listen. We have been with each other everyday for 2 years

Bubba🥰❤️- isn't that A good thing. This is like our first fight and you just wanna run away from each other

Babygirl😍❤️- no Jake it isn't like that. I'm not running away from you.

Bubba🥰❤️- it seems like you are.

Bubba🥰❤️- fine we can take A break from each other and I'm going home then back to Toronto and I don't know when I will be back

Babygirl😍❤️- Jake you don't have to leave the country.

Bubba🥰❤️- well you don't want to see me and you want to take A break and its not like I wasn't going to come to school if we are on this break anyways

Jakes POV
After I sent that text Erika left me on read And I stood up from my bed and grab my back pack And packed it. I put on my shoes and put on my leather jacket and throw on my sunglasses and walked out side And I texted chance

Jake🏈-can you drive me to the airport LIKE RIGHT NOW

chance🏈- yeah I guess. Tony is with me and we R coming now

Jake🏈- thanks

Chances pov
Jake asked me to take him to the airport. Tony was with me And I asked him and he said yes so I texted jake and me and tony got into the car and drove to Jake house and saw in on his porch with his bag and his jacket and glasses on. He saw us and jumped in to the passenger side and I started to drive to the airport

Anthony's pov
This fight might have been worse than we thought

C- so Jake where R- u headed to
J- home
An- like Toronto ?
J- yeah
C- are you and you know who alright
J- no she wants to take A break and I'm guessing she doesn't want to...

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