Chapter 5

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They get to Jakes and he goes up to his room with Erika following behind he sits on the counter And she cleans him. He has A really bad black eye and A- busted lip and they get dressed and ready for bed

E- night Jake
J- night rik

Erika's POV
I woke up at 6:30 and got dressed by then it was 7:00 so I woke up Jake up

E- bubba wake up
J- ok I'm up but you can call me that but not in front of people
E- *smiles* ok

Jake gets up and dressed and they head downstairs

J- wanna take the bike
E- sure
J- I'll go get my leather jacket and the helmets

Erika walks outside and waits for Jake. He then comes out and put on his jacket on and puts Erika's helmet on for her then his they get on and head to school they walk to Jake a locker and the squad walks up

T- hey guys I see you made up
E- yea
An- hey
J- hey and can you tell me how you and sunny got together
S- idk it just happened
J- rik did u know
E- yea I knew I also knew that Tessa and chance ere together
C- rik you weren't supposed to tell
E- oh right shit Jake just pretend that you didn't hear anything *smiles*
J- *smiles* hear what
E- that is why I love you
J- I love you too *kisses her*

The bell rings and they head to math. Jake and Erika sit beside each other and the teacher walks in and then A- girl walks in

Te- oh are u new
A- yea I'm Alissa
Te- ok go sit

Alissa walks by Jake and winks at him and Jake turns to Erika and takes off his sunglasses he looked at her with big eyes

E- what the hell
J- Ik
E- imma kill he
J- no you are not bc then your end up like me And didn't worry I'm yours and your mine

They kiss And face towards the teacher they get work to do so Jake and Erika do it together

J- we should do all are work together we make A- pretty good team *smiles*
E- I think so too *smiles*

Skip to gym

Erika pov
For some reason the girls don't have to do gym today maybe bc the boys are playing dodge ball so the girls sat on the bleachers

S- that Alissa girl seems to be up to no good
T- Ik she looks mean
E- she winked at jake today
S- hey look chance tony and Jake are on A- team
E- And they are playing skins vs shirts and our boys are skins

Erika pov
I see Jake take off his shirt and Jakes abs are chiseled. He  looked at me and winked then started to flex and I just laughed and so did he.

They players couple games and Jakes team won the all the time

Jake pov
I was standing there talking to the boys when Alissa came over and started to touch me so I looked up at erika to see her watching and she looked sad so I looked at chance and he grabbed her and took her off and I walked up to Erika and hugged her and she hugged back

J- I love you
E- I love you too

Skip to lunch
Jake and Erika are walking to the cafe

E- Jake?
J- ya
E- Your coming over tonight,right?
J- ya we said that You were going to help my homework
E- thank god you remembered *smiles*
J- *laughs* but I'm going out with the boys at like 9 but I promise I'll come back
E- ok

Skip to when they are at Erika's

E- okay Jake what do y want to work on first
J- math,science than history

Skip to when it's 8:30

J- okay we r done and I have to go get ready And I'll be out in like 2 min so you can look at my outfit *smiles*
E- *laughs* okay

Jake walks out in jeans A- white shirt and his leather jacket and white vans


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