Chapter 19

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Jakes POV
I've been let out of the hospital And I changed back into my clothes and headed out to chances car I sat in the front and we drove to my house. We got the are the boys helped me inside and Erika was behind us with my backpack. The boys said goodbye and helped me to the coach and left. Erika came and sat on my lap facing me with her head in my neck. I put my arms around her waist and held in tight. We sat there for 5 min without saying anything and we pull back facing each other

J- I'm hungry are you *smiles*
E- kinda what would u like
J- you pick
E- no you pick your the one who is hungry
J- fine. Umm how about tbell
E- sure. I'll go get it.
J- are you okay going alone
E- yea I'll be 10 min

Erika's POV
I get up and get into my car that I left here A- couple days ago. I drive to Taco Bell and head in and I see Blake he is my ex . I put up my hood and order. I'm glad he hasn't seen me. They call my order And grab the bag And I turn around to see Blake right there

B- hey babe
E- just leave me alone
B- that won't be happing because I've moved to go to your school
E- i don't care. Just leave me alone
B- I'll see you at school bye babe

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