Chapter 16

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Jakes POV
When I saw the guy running straight after me and tackle me down I hit my head and it went all black

Erika's POV
Jake was just throwing the ball to the boys An- then I see this guy running straight at him and knock him down. I got up and ran to Jake

E- Jake
E- Jake,babe

She turned to the guy that hit him and the coach and the trainer are with Jake

Chris-guy that hurt Jake
E- you idiot. You knew he was hurt why did you do that
C- I just wanted to have fun *smiles*
E- that not fun. Now he is knocked out
An- Erika he's fine let's go stand over her

Erika's POV
Anthony and chance walks me A- little way from the crowd and they take off there helmets and put them on the ground. I hear the coach say to call 911. And I then start to cry And Anthony pulls me into A hug after 5 min they came and put jake in the stretcher And put him in the ambulance and said that no one can come so they drove away really fast. Chance puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk inside. Chance and Anthony told me to sit in the bench so that when they get finished getting change they will bring me to the hospital. After 5 min the boys come back and each grab one of my hands and we walk to Anthony car we got in and drove to the hospital

Jakes POV
When I blacked out I had A dream. I think it was in the future where me and This girl  were both professional athletes and each had YouTube channels with me at 18 million subscribers and the girl at 11 million subscribers and we had our own house and we were 26 and we were both really happy. I woke up

D- Jake your alright
J- Jake? Who's that
D- ...

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