Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Monday had rolled around slowly, Hayden had picked up with Cleo and I was the third wheel basically. They don't know it, but they were flirting with each other. They totally like each other.

Some bickering later, we enter the school parking lot and there was Baeden, Bella, James, and Emily waiting by the tree, chatting with each other.

I exit the car and so does Cleo and Hayden, Hayden locking his car and I trailed behind them, still to this day I get stares and I hate it.

Can people just mind their own business?

I followed behind them and we had reached the others, they were still talking and laughing. All day yesterday I was just thinking about Baeden's lips, weird, I know, but I was so drawn to him.

Speaking of, or, thinking of, Baeden comes to my side and wraps an arm around me. "You okay, Liz?" I looked up at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm-"

"Guys! Oh, m g!" The knowing sound of Rachel waves over in the distance and there were some groans in the group. Baeden growled under his breath low key turning me on- God, Lizzy, stop. Rachel ran over to us, with her friend, grinning.

"That's Melissa." Emily tells me under her breath. I nodded, know to understand.

"Hey, Hayden," Melissa purred towards Hayden, instantly by his side and Rachel pushed me out of the way and tried to get Baeden to wrap his arm around her shoulder. He scowled at her and I stumbled back a bit, unfortunately, I was on the ground.

Sighing, I sat there, glaring at Rachel as the group was in front of me. Emily glared at Rachel and she turned around and helped me back. "Just ignore her," Emily murmured to me and I nodded and stood in the middle of Emily and Baeden. He wrapped an arm around me and kept his other arm away from Rachel who pouted.

"You're back," Bella says, sighing.

"Yup! Beauty camp is really the shit!" Melissa smiled. My mouth dropped; beauty camp? What the hell is that?

I scoffed and they clearly heard me. Rachel narrowed her eys at me. "Got a problem with that, Fizzy?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nope," I grumble.

"It's Lizzy," Baeden corrected her.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Whatever, doesn't matter anyway."

Baeden growled lowly, glaring at Rachel who smiled at Baeden. "Anyways, there's a fair this Saturday, are y'all going?" Melissa questions the group.

"Yeah," Cleo says slowly.

Rachel grinned. "We're-"

"Not invited!" Emily butts in. "This is a group thing and you are not in the group, get that through your thick-"

"Em," Baeden cuts her off. Emily glared at Baeden. "What she's trying to say is, you're not apart of the group anymore,"

Rachel's mouth dropped. "Since when!?"

"Since-" Baeden nudged James in the stomach and James lets out a growl. "You're just not, okay?"

Rachel huffed. "We'll still be there,"

"Please don't," Bella rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, Rach," Melissa smiled at Rachel. Everyone loves to smile, don't they?

"Shit," Hayden muttered under his breath making me smile. Rach-shit. Good one. That made everyone chuckle but Melissa and Rachel ignored it, before skipping off. Then, we all burst into laughter.

"Rach-shit," Emily giggled. "Fucking good one."

Hayden and Cleo high fived, grinning at each other. "Oh, Lizzy, we have this thing every year, its a fair the school holds out on the field. It's on Saturday, are you gonna come?" Hayden asked, looking over at me.

All eyes were on me. I shrugged. "I guess. Sounds fun."

"Perfect!" Bella smiled. "Baeden will pick you up!"

"I will?" Baeden stuttered at the same I said; "He is?"

We gave each other glances, the last time we were alone together we almost kissed. I pressed my lips together and took a side step towards Emily.

"Y-yeah, okay," I nodded. Baeden took a side glance to me again, my heart racing again. Fuck my heart. "7 pm?"

"Yeah," Baeden agreed. "I-I'll be there,"

Now he's stuttering. I hid my smirk and lean on the tree, waiting for the bell to ring. It did thankfully and I watched everyone leave. Bella turned on her heel, frowning.

"Are you coming, Lizzy?" Bella questions.

I groan and forcefully pushed myself off the tree. "I don't want to go!"

"But we have Maths!" Bella squealed and ran towards me, taking my wrist. I smiled at her excitement. "I'll give you the answers!"


Sorry for the short chapters, this was kind of a filler chapter though not going to lie.

Their relationship is cute, I can't relate. What's your favourite Disney movie?

What are your thoughts on this book?

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