Unexpected Guests - Charlie

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So Nicky convinced me to stop.  And I'm glad he did, looking back on things.  And in the weeks to come, I was–of course–still overly upset and broken hearted, but somehow not sad all the time.  The only time I ever got to be sad was when I was at home.  You see, my friends were constantly distracting me with various things.  Maybe it was on purpose, maybe it wasn't, because, you know, they aren't always right in the head.  But regardless they were always distracting me, be it with homework or what kind of bread their sandwich was made out of.  Currently, I'm in quite the deep conversation with Marky and Pink and Nicky.  Several others keep joining in.  Oh, one more thing: Nicky.  He's almost always the source of my distraction.  He's always talking to me or over at my house–like I said, when I'm alone that's when I can be sad–and I'm not complaining, but it's not like I need babysitting.  Anyway, the conversation:

        "...Marky and I are gonna stay local, ya know?" Pink was saying.  I think we were talking about college again.  Nicky was nodding.  I wasn't really listening.  Something I've learned to do over the past few weeks is to just drone them out.  I'm never left alone to just think or whatever.  Not that much other than Steven clouds my thoughts.  "What about you Charlie?"

        "Huh?"  Currently, I was practicing my newly learned skill.

        "Where're you gonna go?" Marky asks.  Nicky stares at me.  I wish they wouldn't've brought me into this.

        "I dunno," I say with a shrug.  "Haven't given it much thought."  And then the weight of guilt and stress was added to the load I was already bearing.  School ended in less than a week.  That's right, folks.  Friday is the last day and graduation is on Saturday.  But to me, today feels like just another Monday... Because it is just another Monday, sorta.

        "No big deal," Nicky said.  But yeah it frickin' was a big deal.  "You've got all summer."

        I thought, Not really, but only gave a shrug and continued to pick at my sandwich.

        "Aw, yeah, summer!  I forgot about summer!" Robbie exclaimed, joining in the conversation.

        "It... happens every year, Robs," Mandy said slowly.  A few people laughed at that.  I allowed for a small smile, though it didn't reach my eyes.

        "Yeah, well..." Robbie replied, collecting his thoughts, "my parents're goin' away this weekend."

        "What?!" Johnny demanded.  "Why didn't you tell us sooner?  You are having a blowout, right?"

        Robbie laughed as though the question were ridiculous.  "Uh, duh.  I've already called Fletch about the beer kegs..." he continued proudly, but I stopped listening again.

        Tuesday went the same way.


The bell rang and the impatiently waiting ninth period English class leapt from their seats.  Picking up their backpacks, a few hung back to tell the teacher to have a nice summer.  However, most, including myself, rushed out of the stuffy room.

        I met Nicky by Pauly's car, where we were waiting for the others.  To us, it was just another Friday again.

        I allowed Nicky to drive my car because I wasn't sure where we were going (he let me join them only if I promised not to do anything–and I promised).  I knew that the night's final destination would be Robbie's place, but that wouldn't be for awhile.

        I went out with Nicky's friends right after school to treat ourselves to a celebratory last-day-of-school pizza.  And once again I was not sad.

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