Epilogue - Charlie

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The greatest time of my life was easily the weekend at Trow-Rico.  It ended too soon.  I didn't ever want to forget it.  It was so peaceful and quiet there; we were basically the only ones.  Of course, we were kind of loud and obnoxious because he likes beer and I like beer, and well my friends, there was beer.  One of the better parts of the trip, other than all the mushy-lovey stuff, was probably–should I tell you this?  Ah, what the hell–swimming in the lake.  At night.  With each other.  Without clothes.  I don't think I can ever forget that weekend.

        And shortly after that weekend, I was reclined on his couch with a hot chocolate, next to Steven.  He called me over here to their apartment for some unknown reason at the time.  "How's school?" he asked.

        "Same ol' same," I replied, thoughts shooting to the song they recorded on the album that came out last year.  I felt the tips of my ears redden.

        Steven smirked.  "I haven't seen you a whole lot," he said.  "It's totally not cool."

        "I know," I said, wincing when I found out–the hard way–that the hot chocolate was really hot.

        Steven sighs, pretending to be really upset and conflicted.  "I just wish there was a way that would allow me to see you more often..."

        I knew where he was going almost instantly.  And I liked it.  "Yes," I mutter.  "If only there was..."

        "You could quit school," he offers.  I tip my head back to stare at him.  He puts his hands up in mock surrender.  "Kidding."

        "Too bad," I say.  "There's just no other way."

        "Well..." he says, trailing off.  I knew what he was going to ask, and I was already ready to say yes.  "You could always just... You see, Charlie.  The issue is, ever since Joe and Annie moved out, it's been rather empty.  It's... Weird having two less people than normal and–"

        "Okay," I say.

        "What?"  He's a little bewildered.

        "You don't have to make a speech," I giggle.  "I'll do it."

        "You– Move in with me?"  He's really confused.  And it's kind of funny.

        "Yes!" I say, as if explaining a difficult concept.  "I will."

        "Oh," he says.  "Okay."  Then he grins.

        And a few short weeks later, I was in the same position, but this time it was home, not the apartment of eighty percent of Aerosmith.  Things were good.  Things were great.  They actually couldn't be better.

        People always asked me how I ended up here.  And I used to ask myself that same question.

        I mean, I was shy and quiet and played my guitar for only myself and all of a sudden I was pretending to be a stripper and singing Beatles tunes in a hallway with some random singer I just met.

        But that singer has turned out to be the person I'm in love with.  The person I get to now wake up next to every morning.

        It just felt purely natural.  I didn't wonder why it was me who got to wake up next to Steven Tyler (who's near-famous now) every morning.  I didn't question it because it was normal.  It all made sense.

        I did loose things, but in the end I ended up with more than I could ever want.  I've got my best-friend, I've got the world's most perfect boyfriend (now that he's dumped his old cheating habits), I couldn't possibly ask for more.

        I haven't spoken to Jess very recently, but last time I talked to her, I found out that she was engaged.  Yeah I know.  Engaged of all things.  I guess she's finally figured her life out.  That guy Sam proposed to her.  And I guess they're very happy.

        Arthur also proposed to my mom. She, of course, said yes yes yes.

        Speaking of engagements, Steven– Nah, I'm just kidding.  We're cool with just being in love like a couple of kids.  It's more fun that way anyway.

        But seriously, the wedding is this weekend.  My mom and Arthur booked Aerosmith to play at the ceremony party thing, and they gladly obliged.

        The guys were pleased that I lived with them, especially Steven.  And frankly, I was too.


My mom and Arthur were gonna get married today.  A beautiful autumn day in the middle of November (between Aerosmith's tour dates on the nineteenth and December second).  They didn't want to wait until next year.

        Aerosmith was like my second family now; I mean, I lived with them, so I'd expect it to be that way.  So we sat in the second row, the six of us–Annie was supposedly sick.

        And I watched my mom get married.  I guess I can learn to like Arthur.  My mom was thrilled to see me.  And Jess and Sam looked very happy.  Nicky calls him Sammy.  Oh, Nicky and Emily were there too.  Nicky congratulated my mom and for the fist time ever, she actually seemed pleased with him.

        And then the party afterwards started and Aerosmith started playing and everyone was dancing and having a very fun time.  Myself included.

        In a break in their set, Steven came down and offered me a dance to the record that was playing.  I accepted, of course, and immediately wrapped myself in his embrace and swayed to the music, kissing him every once in awhile.

        And then, when the party goers were considerably drunk, including myself and the band, all the girls gathered in a group.  I didn't pay much mind; I was getting something to drink at the back on the crowd.  Jess was jumping up and down up front.  I rolled my eyes and went back to pouring myself some punch.

        There was a collective squeal from all the ladies, except myself (because, like I said, I'm getting some punch), and then Nicky yelled my name and I spun around to face my mom, who's back was to me because she was throwing the flowers.  Hurtling at my face were the flowers.

        I caught then with my left hand–what else was I gonna do?–while still holding my punch in the right.  Several women groaned, others gasped.

        And that was when I realized what just happened.

        Whoever catches the bouquet gets married.

        Aw, what the fuck?  Really?  Of all the luck in the world.  This week was going so well until now!

        Why do I have to be the one constantly embarrassed?

        Nicky starts laughing, everyone else stares at me.  I feel my face go beet-red.

        Somehow, though, through the throng of people, I meet Steven's eyes.  They were halfway through Adam's Apple, off their new album, Joe was playing a solo and Steven had taken a break in singing and dancing to get some water.  He stood by the drum riser.  Steven locked my horrified gaze, he realized what had happened, and then he grinned.  I frowned silently, questioning why he was grinning.

        He looked to the flowers and back to my face.

        Yeah, that doesn't answer my question of your grin, actually, is the look I give him–if that's even a look.

        He smiled wider and gave a shrug.  Then he came back in singing.

        I stared in awe and amazement into the eyes of my boyfriend who basically just said, 'Why not?'


        I stared in awe and amazement and love into the eyes of the rest of my life.

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