You & I - (XX)

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AN:- Summat's about to happen here 🤭👀

"Steady love." His arms wrapped around my waist, his sudden method of stopping me causing me to wobble on my feet slightly.

"Thanks." I murmured, still looking up confused at our surprise destination.

He carefully retracted his arms from around me, stuffing his nimble fingers lithely back into his jeans pocket. He rocked a little on the heels of his feet as he looked up with smiling eyes at the place we had stopped at.

"Why are we at a jewellery shop?" I finally questioned after a few moments of silence, hesitantly peeking back at him.

"Come on. Let's go in." He smiled, holding out his hand for me to take.

"You're not going to answer my question are you?" I narrowed my eyes at him

He shook his head chuckling at my annoyed look. "When we go inside all your questions will be answered."


Smiling wide he kept his hand out towards me. "Come." He whispered. "Let's go inside."

I looked at his outstretched hand for a long moment before finally placing my own in it. He wrapped his fingers around my hand and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his other arm possessively around my waist.

"Why do you always do this?" I murmured, placing my free hand on his chest.

He didn't say anything again, as he led us both inside, a very tiny grin painted at the corner of his lips. Licking my lower lip I stayed silent as well, following dutifully in his footsteps. The silently humming AC hit us with cold air the second we stepped inside the bling encrusted area and I shivered a little curling into JongHyun's warm chest a little more.

He noticed my actions and squeezed my waist gently before letting me go. Going forwards we came to a stop at the counter where a young man, probably a little younger than JongHyun himself, was stood writing something down.

JongHyun cleared his throat and the young man looked up, still lazily leaning over the glass counter, looking up at JongHyun rather annoyed at him.

"Yes?" He lowly drawled out. "How may I be of assistance?" He added in a bored as hell tone.

At his impertinent tone and stature, I scoffed silently, rolling my eyes as my arms crossed over my chest. "Douchebag."

JongHyun heard me and stifled his laugh by biting his lip, looking down momentarily. The guy, however, appeared as if he hadn't heard what I had just said but he definitely took sharp note of me stood there, arms across my chest in obvious distaste. His eyes flickered down to my uprisen chest and a shiny glaze swept over him. He immediately straightened up his slouched posture and slapped on what I suppose to him was his best seductive grin as he leered disgustingly at me.

"Welcome to Kang Jewellers Ma'am. Might I offer you a glass of champagne?"

I raised my brows non interestedly at him. "For us both, thank you."

His eyes peered over at JongHyun sneeringly, when I gestured towards him, before he bowed his head anyway. "Of course."

He walked away with a swagger in his step and I frowned at his back, hating how over the top he was trying to be.


JongHyun snickered, resting his palm on my cheek. "You're adorable."

"God the gall of him." My brows shot up to my hairline. "What an A-class pompous prick."

"Don't mind him, love." JongHyun whispered, dropping his hands down to where mine were to lace our fingers together. "Come here and tell me which one you like."

Sighing I smiled softly at him, squeezing his palm gently in mine before letting go and walking over to the jewel laden cabinets. I dropped my palms on top of the glass cabinets, looking down raptly at the plethora of bracelets and necklaces before me.

"You want to gift your friend one of these?"

JongHyun hummed as a response. "Pick out all the ones that you like."

"All the ones I like?" My brows shot to my hairline. "Exactly how many are you planning on gifting to this special friend?"

He smirked. "I'm planing on gifting her every single thing you pick out, my love."

I felt a twinge of jealousy as he said this. "Out of curiosity, who exactly am I helping you pick a gift out for?"

JongHyun's arms came around my figure, resting on the glass as he circled me from the back. His breath was hot on my nape as he swiftly reached up to my blouse to unbutton the first few buttons, revealing my hickey covered neck.

He dropped his lips boldly down onto the side of my neck. "It's for a very special woman."

"You mentioned that." I grasped out, heartbeat increasing as the reality of my surroundings dawned on me.

"Hmm." He moaned sweetly into my skin. "So so special."

I swallowed deeply, feeling more and more aggravated with each passing second I was guessing.

"Who?" I asked again.


I hissed out softly as he teasingly bit my earlobe.

"I- I don't k-know." I murmured, genuinely thinking really hard about who it could be.

Who the hell was this so called 'special woman' he was picking out jewellery for?! I scoffed, my ears ringing with noise at the sheer force of my exerted thinking.

His chest rumbled rhythmically with his sweet baritone laughter and the tinkling feeling of his laughter vibrated through me as well, with how closely our bodies were to the others and I involuntarily shuddered, a ticklish sensation rippling through me.

"You do know." He insisted, brushing his nose along my jaw, hands rubbing seductive circles on my waist. "You know very well who she is. Think TaeHee, think."

"Is it someone from wo-"

"Your drink, Ma'am." The guy from earlier came back suddenly, holding out a single flute of bubbly liquid towards me.

I made an annoyed look as I accepted the drink gingerly, making sure to keep safe from making any hand contact with him. Despite my efforts he still managed to wrap his fingers around mine slyly, taking longer than necessary to let go.

"Let go of her." JongHyun's voice was tense as he nearly almost growled out at the cocky man in front of us.

"I don't know what you mean." He retorted.

"Don't test me."

"I wouldn't dream of it." He remarked smugly. "Sir." He added condescendingly.

I felt JongHyun's muscles clench at the obvious disrespectful dig as he was still stood close to me and I very slowly placed a hand on his to calm him down before removing it gently.

"I believe I asked for drinks for us both?" I raised a brow up in annoyance.

He made a face muttering some nonsense under his breath, my ire growing rapidly at that facial expression and manner of dealing with customers.

"Well?" I pushed, my eyes narrowing in irritability. "Are you gonna answer or not?"

The man opened his mouth to reply when a jovial voice out of nowhere cut through the heavy and tense atmosphere.

"Kim JongHyun, is that you?"

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