AN:- Even I've lost count of how many times she's fallen or hurt herself in this OneShot... 😅
LOL ... Ummm, by any chance does anyone else remember?!?!
The cold ground never came...
"Huh?" I wearily opened my eyes when instead of the hard cold floor, I felt a pair of warm firm arms grab securely onto me.
Looking up I saw JongHyun's face hovering above mine, a frightened look in his eyes. My weary, panic fused eyes immediately softened when I saw his face, my muscles relaxing as he held me in his secure grasp. His hair was all ruffled and messy, falling down his forehead as he gazed closely at me. My hand on instinct and on its own accord rose up to palm it back before resting it comfortably and strangely tenderly on his cheek. His eyes fluttered shut as I ran a hand briefly through his hair, opening up again the minute I retracted my hand away.
Taemin and Kibum both breathed out a very audible sigh of relief as they saw that JongHyun had broken my fall by catching me in his arms, saving me from hurting myself even further. Literally, no more than two seconds after JongHyun caught me, they both turned around in their seats to look at each other and started fighting like rabid cats and dogs not paying us two on the floor any attention whatsoever.
I tuned out of their fight instantly as my mind was totally transfixed on JongHyun's pained face, inches above mine. His breathing was laboured and irregular, and I could very clearly hear his heartbeat thumping erratically in his chest, mirroring the mirage as if he had just run a marathon, adrenaline pumping his veins.
"You saved me again." I was smiling breathlessly at him, the temporary euphoric rush I had felt when falling, now steadily leaving my body, leaving me limp and totally relaxed in his arms.
My palm cupped his jaw one more time, this time in a sweet and soft manner before dropping down for the second time. "My JongHyun. Only my JongHyun." I murmured softly so that only he was able to hear me.
His eyes screwed shut at my whisper and he leaned his forehead down on mine. "God TaeHee! Please stop falling around everywhere."
His facial recognition was harsh and sad. "My heart is going to give out on me one of these days because of your little scares."
That pained me and I shook my head, soft tears building in my eyes at the thought of that ever happening.
His features softened at my fearful look and he sweetly rubbed my waist. "What if I can't save you? I can't be everywhere, sweetheart."
I sniffled. " You need to take care of yourself. What if something happens to you? Then what will I do?"
I looked away from him, slightly ashamed at worrying him so much constantly. "Mianhe." I mumbled out.
He sighed. "Please just take care of yourself love. You know very well that I can't bear to see you in any type of pain."
"I know."
"So promise me that from now on, you'll take care of yourself for me?" He spoke softly. "Hmm?"
Chuckling weakly, I gathered unknown courage and threw my fears to the side as I hesitantly lifted my body up and kissed the top of his nose. "I know that I'll always have you to save me, so why should I fear anything?"
"I will always do my best to be there." He reaffirmed, softly smiling.
"So saving me is your duty." I breathed out, eyes probing his.
He softly whimpered, my brows furrowing at the sound. "Who's going to save me if you're not by my side no more?"
"What do you mean?" I caressed his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere JongHyun, don't worry."
He sighed. "You're very careless about your health and wellbeing and that scares me."
"Well, there's an easy solution to that."
He raised his brows tiredly. "And what's that?"
I felt my heart flutter. "Just don't let me leave your side."
He weakly chuckled, Eskimo kissing me. "How do I do that, when you're constantly looking for ways and excuses to make me leave you?"
I felt his melancholy breeze hum in the space between us and the feeling of guilt was heavy on my gut as I thought of all the grief I had given him in my fruitless purist of pushing him away. Onew Oppa was right, I didn't want that at all and it was about time I wholeheartedly accepted that truth as well as making it known to the one who wanted it the most.
Taking in a deep breath, I lifted my wet, sparkling orbs up to meet his equally as teary ones. "Who said anything about ever trying to leave your side?" I moved my lips slowly, in an equally quiet whisper; akin to his.
His eyes flickered to mine in surprise, and gently he leaned his head down till his forehead was resting on mine. I breathed out in relief at the contact, my heart feeling like it had finally found its pace, a peaceful rhythm engulfing me. One of his hands went trailing up from my waist to my scalp, slipping through my long open tresses, holding it protectively in such a way that I wouldn't able to tear my gaze away from him now, even if I wanted to.
"What are you trying to say TaeHee?" He whispered, a pained longing on his face as his trembling mouth neared mine.
My hand slid away from where I had rested it, down to his hand that was on my waist drawing a random pattern on it. Controlling my emotional paralysis I made the vow to continue this newly found brave act now right till the very end.
Enough torturing the man...
Enough torturing myself...
I wanted this. I wanted him and I was going to tell him that I did...